


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info


He can smell through his nostrils and also through his cheek stalks. He has a very keen sense of smell. While in the water, he clamps shut the nostrils on his snout and relies on the sensing in his cheek stalks.




Fantasy Giant Axolotl Dragon

Ref Image




In a relationship with

Malaila 1667208_kUm.jpg?1468028776

Personality Points

Jolly, Cheerful, Chill, Reserved, Easy-Going, Goofy, Protective, Strong,

Personality Details

Jambo is a medium-energy dragon, he is heavy and slow usually, his blubber and thick body storing water for him to use while he is outside of a body of water.
He can travel around on foot for several days without losing much because he is a fantasy axolotl dragon.
He usually moves around slowly to conserve energy and water, and has a very laid-back attitude about most things. He is happy being happy. If he is in danger or in a hurry though he can gallop incredibly quickly, but not for very long. His massive size and weight wear him out quickly.
He has a mouth full of sharp teeth for catching and eating all sorts of things. Anything that fits in his mouth really. (or not) His favorite diet consists of Freshwater fish, Eels, Bullfrogs, and he spoils himself with berries. If he finds a blackberry bush or a grapevine he might not be able to control himself from devouring the entire thing.
He can swim fairly quickly, but he isn't very agile, not able to turn or change direction very quickly. Catching fish can sometimes be frustrating for him, and if he gets too hungry, he will sometimes use crocodile tactics, wating at the water's edge to snap up land animals that come to drink.
He is not cruel at all however, and has many animal friends too. It is only the circle of life, and he never kills more than he can eat.
A side fact, he is capable of producing a neurotoxin in his saliva, making it blue and gooey. He doesn't use it often though.

Details involving Malaila

Jambo is very fond of his sweetheart. She is much smaller than him, being a dwarf Axolotl Dragon. She is more agile and can catch fish better than him. He is protective of her, but doesn't try to control her.


He looks like a large chubby Axolotl. He sees in the same color spectrum as humans, but more vivid to help see underwater. More sensitive to sunlight


He can speak and learn any language, but currently speaks Axodraco and English. He also communicates with a series of rumbles and purrs, like a giant thunder-filled kitten. He has average hearing.


He can taste with his tounge and his cheek stalks, which also can sort of smell the air or water around him. If you were to lick him he'd probably taste like pond water. XD


When in or around water, his skin is slippery smooth like a salamander's, and he shimmers and glitters. If he has been out of the water for a while, his skin dries but it doesn't hurt him, it is still smooth, but not as shiny or slick, similar to snake's skin. When it is dry he sometimes grumbles more and itches his sides against trees because he prefers being wet, but like i said, it doesn't HURT him, its just mildly annoying.

