Fox Guy's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

BlondeDingDong Global Rules

BlondeDingDong / HoodCrow / ArachniDank's TOS
(last updated 31st of December 2023)
By wanting/owning to claim, trade or buy one of my designs you have automatically agreed to my terms of service. This includes already having the design in your posession!


  • You must credit me as the artist or designer of a character/adopt or art piece you have gotten from me. This also includes characters you have redesigned!
  • My username HAS to be featured VISIBLY and may not be hidden in tabs or in any other form.
  • Do NOT delete character profiles or remove my credit as the designer / creator of the design.
  • I will NEVER revoke designs, even if you are banned / blocked and own a design. It will be yours to keep of course.
  • The only instances of me actually revoking a design: 
    • If a design remains unpaid despite me sending an invoice. If it's not paid it does not belong to you yet.
    • If you chargeback (I do not refund). Again, the design is unpaid and thus not yours.


  • Do not make hate speech of any kind, use my designs for racist intentions, homo-/ace-/transphobia, beastiality (including giving human / humanoid / anthro designs animal genitalia!!), pedophilia or anything of the sort
  • Do NOT delete character profiles or remove my credit as the designer.
  • Again, simply hiding my credit in a secret/hidden tab does NOT count.


  • You may resell, trade or gift designs you have gotten from me
  • You may use the design you have gotten from me for creating your own lore, roleplaying (written, DND, anything really) or in any way you wish AS LONG as it does not go against the rules stated in DON'T
  • You may edit my designs. Please note the details below!
  • One Offs: You are free to edit as you wish but it has to be mentioned or you at least need to have the original design I made WITH CREDIT somewhere in the gallery of the character.
  • Ryecats / Fellalines: No alteration without approval!! You must contact GOLDENREAPER / Mons00n or me to get it approved, else it is NOT official.

Commercial usage of my designs is NOT ALLOWED.

This list is not to start drama of any kind or influence harassment, it is meant for awareness and so that you guys know not to give these people characters, adopts, customs, commissions I make.

Giving my designs (one-offs & Ryecats) to anyone listed here will result in a ban from my services aswell as a block!

  • Angelfonds
  • Springlocked / ARCHFIEND / DESADE / Kaifelis / Marshall / Vaporwaves
  • HollowBites / VampiricPaws / Volcanic-Oroboros
  • Wingman / Yoteehaw / Dataknife / CorpsCosmonaut / KINGC0RPS / Simulacrum / Atlas / Sebastian
  • Copilot / VTOL / Retrbolt / Timothy / Coffeezombiefox / Fuse / Colin
  • Mehen / Lanternmoth
  • CrystalBlackpaws
  • Umbs / Umberkit
  • Pige / CaffeinatedPigeon
  • SunnySides / BoxheadRave / BadboyAlexus / InkboyBendy
Whoever tells you they are "soft-banned" is lying.
If someone is blocked by me they are automatically banned from any of my services and species that I run or are co-owner of and have their species rights revoked aka the characters are voided.
This is part of the rules no matter what anyone says.