


4 years, 10 months ago



Bogeymen, while mysterious and somewhat supernatural, do still have basic anatomical rules and features. They always appear as tall imposing figures wrapped in various cloths, robes and hoods. The features that appear under the hood seem to be dependent on the individual, some sporting softly glowing eyes, others with gnashing maws, appendages that emerge from the shadowy interior, there seems to be no pattern, and features can come and go depending on the individuals will. There is a general shape under the robe, but any features are indefinite and change at will. The robes change as well, as they are integrated as part of the individual’s body. A constant however is the fact that dark smoke billows from under the hood. The dark body is often contrasted by a warm accent color, but some individuals do sport soft teals or deep blues, but less commonly. A tell-tale sign of a bogeyman nearing is a sudden absence of warmth and a light shining in the distance. Approach must be done with extreme caution, but without fear, they are often much more harmless than they seem, but make sure to keep your distance or else you may accidentally freeze to death. Bogeymen don’t seem to always notice if creatures are suffering from the cold they usher in, and their nature to absorb heat as a source of energy, bring a scarf. When disguised as other creatures, the dangers of interacting with them vanish, although the change takes a large toll on the body and the individual must often rest for several days before taking on any strenuous activities. If the bogeyman is injured in either state, they cannot change shape without falling apart.

Social behavior
Bogeymen have a rich but mysterious society, with their own laws and traditions. They seem to be deep thinkers and highly idealistic, feeling as though it is their duty to guide others into betterment. The method of doing this seems to be a hot debate topic amongst them and has resulted and several schools of thought. Some feel there needs to be a sternness, consequences, “listen to me I know what’s best or Else”, which is where the typical depiction of a bogeyman comes from. Others have more subtle approaches like becoming walking history books who recite past atrocities and victories as they go, reminding people of their roots and how to be better than their forefathers. There is a subset who believe the best way to contribute is to guide from the inside and become members of the society themselves to push ideas as equals. The diversity in which they carry out their tasks is unfortunately overshadowed by a history of over exaggerated terror, and they are creatures to be wary of but are not inherently cruel.

While in their natural forms, bogeymen consume only heat as means of subsistence, and often carry a lantern to prevent accidental absorption of living beings’ body heat, which can be fatal if unchecked. When in disguise however they are physiologically identical to whatever species they are mimicking and follow the nutritional guidelines of said species.

Bogeyman do not appear to reproduce in the same way other beings do, they do not couple to make children. When an individual expires, they turn to a fine ice-cold soot from which another, different, bogeyman emerges. The new bogeyman retains no memories, personality traits, or sentiments as its parent and is a completely new life. There has always been the same number of individuals that exist at any given time, and no matter how a bogeyman expires, another will come forth.

Easily one of the most long-lived creatures known, individuals who have lives spanning centuries are still considered greenhorns. The extent of their lifespans is unknown, but they are mortal.

Preferred habitat
They have no preference and exist wherever they feel the need to exist, though they often live great distances from one another to avoid conflict of interests.