


4 years, 10 months ago



Lich are regarded as composite organisms, meaning they are composed of several differing species all working together for survival. The main components tend to be a type of fungal-like protist, various algae, and bacteria which seem to act as both storage units and means of sending information throughout the colony. The actual structure varies on what species of the components happen to be. The protist component is usually the first to begin colonization of a corpse, the body can be of any species that leaves behind remains. The process takes months and sometimes years, but by the end of it, the colony will have coated itself and grown enough to be able to manipulate the skeleton. There are many methods of manipulation between species, such as having long sticky filaments to act as ligaments and tendons of the body. Some encase the entire body and move it like an external muscle, some employ a clever lever system, some actually repurpose the body into complex skeletal homes for themselves and are immobile. Most tend to be ambulatory to carry their spores long distances and to find the most ideal habitat for every member of the colony, some also just enjoy to travel. Its unclear how, but it appears that with the aid of the bacteria information highway, liches display a level of sapience on par with other sapient species and have distinct personalities. Even if most of it is destroyed, if some of the original colony remains the new formation will retain the old one’s memories. They also change out skeletal vessels as their own degrades and have even been observed to use replacement parts until a new complete body is found. They figure out how a body operates based on its structure and association to itself, but sometimes species will get creative with locomotion. They often wear ‘clothes’ to protect their body from the sun.

Social behavior
They have little desire to live in groups, liches derive great pleasure from exchanging ideas, concepts, and personal philosophies with other species. Being ambulatory, they see and encounter much, and once they encounter another lich, they physically give one another part of their body as a greeting. They can read the memory, experiences, and entire point of view of another through this method. Each lich is very individual in their beliefs and perspectives, but centuries of sharing with one another has formed a disjointed type of religion in which they all participate in their own way. There is no common structure to the religion aside from a deep respect for life, and a desire to share with one another, personal rituals and beliefs are often influenced by the experiences shared with others. Liches are a very pious group of organisms, they often take up tasks of engraving memories of different languages, cultures, and viewpoints, and passing the information on to others to maximize communication between species of all kinds. Being fragile physically, they are not war-like and prefer to simply leave if a society or individual is abhorrent to them and their set of values. It varies from individual, but most are highly sentimental and are easily touched by gestures that reflect similar values to their own. They are eager to form allies and prefer to not burn bridges if they can help it.
Dependent on the colony’s components, but they often are both heterotrophic and autotrophic depending on what resources are available. At night they often subsist from the nutrients created by the algae’s chloroplasts during the day which are stored by the bacteria after the algae take what they need. Some also employ bio-luminescent lures for small gnats to become attracted to and stuck in, similar to the digestive process of a sundew. They also are known to ‘eat’ by placing substances into a cavity for the main body to digest.

Most produce spores as they travel that can remain dormant until certain chemical signals are produced (like the presence of methane, from decay of a body).

They grow slowly and its only once in a while that a colony manages to survive to the ambulatory state, but once they reach it they often manage to live long and enriched lives.

Preferred habitat:
Liches proliferate in areas favorable to the growth of slime mold, algae, and bacteria, which tends to be in temperate climates, but can occur elsewhere. They don’t do well in desert environments or areas with no relief from the cold.