Finley ferren



4 years, 10 months ago


Currently one of crag’s closest friends, of the few he has, and one of  the city’s finest jewelers. This silver tongued jacob’s sheep gives  great advice and knows all the best joints in town. He’s a fan of the  old 1920s and an ace at cards. And if you ask nicely, he might be  willing to sell you more than a fine cut, for the right price. A  business man through and through, I would watch your back around this male ewe.

Finley is silver tongued and street smart. While he does sell jewelry, he also sells a range of guns and other weapons under the counter. He's conniving and quick-witted, able to hold up a good customer service facade and happy-go-lucky demeanor until it comes to real business. 

Out of the shop, he likes clubbing and cards, and has a secret love for the roaring 20s.
The only traditional weapon he has is a bat he got from an old childhood love for baseball, though now a morning star-driven through with nails. 

As for crag, finley would put 'friend' lightly, atleast going as far as he admits. He puts up with the beast and his antics. Throwing down many of his ridiculous ideas and giving better ones.