Arro's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Cannot be resold

Design Terms of Use

NeonCityRain Global Rules

Resell at bought value unless content has been added to add to the value.

By receiving a design, you then are considered the owner the design. Copying of said design, or "taking heavy inspiration" from it without recent and explicit permission from both myself and the current owner of said design is not permitted, be it by the buyer, creator (myself), or other people. Making the same species is okay. Using the same theme is okay. Using a few similar details is okay. Copying outright is not.

In addition, in buying a design from me, unless otherwise stated beforehand, I, the creator, will not be permitted to design a character too similar to or the same as the sold design without recent and explicit permission from the owner. I will not remake anything that belongs to someone else for reselling, retrading, personal use, or any other reason.

Commercial use is accepted, as long as proper design credit is given and it is NOT used for the creation of NFTs in any way, including referencing.