
4 years, 10 months ago



  •  Name  Lillelia "Lily" Valron
  •  Age   32 
  •  Gender   Female 
  •  Race   Sea Kin 
  •  Alignment   Neutral Good
  •  Residence   None (drifter) 
  •  Strength 
  •  Dexterity 
  •  Constitution 
  •  Intelligence 
  •  Wisdom 
  •  Charisma 
"Why, 'ello my friend. Care to chat? I 'ave oh so many stories to tell if you care to listen."


Lily is a friendly and chatty Bard who loves to tell stories. She is happy to strike up a conversation with anyone who's willing, if only to tell a tale that she's heard or experienced. Though she has a slight air of mystique, she is substantially more approachable than she looks. Her heavily-accented speech is vivacious and sometimes even sing-songy, especially when telling a story. She loves a good conversation, a good joke, a good laugh, and any good company she can come across in her travels. While she's happy to strike up a conversation, she still has some self-confidence issues due to her appearance. She tends not to smile very broadly to avoid showing off her teeth and keeps her hat pulled low so that people don't see her eyes. Though these mannerisms only add to the mystique, she only does it so that people don't notice that she is a sea kin. She still has some self-consciousness issues as sometimes, when people see what she truly is, they make her out to be some sort of monster, which she is not. She’s a bit less cautious about hiding herself and is less self-conscious about these traits when around people she’s comfortable with.


At a glance, Lily looks like a half-elf or human. Upon closer examination however, her slightly more unsettling features are more visible. She has sharp, almost needle-like teeth, a wider than normal smile and a slightly oily skin, almost as if it has a slight film to it. Her fingers and toes are also webbed, and she has pitch black eyes, and somewhat fin-like ears. She has three barbs on each leg and arm that tend to blend into her boots and bracers. Her long, voluminous hair falls below her waist in the back, her long sideburns come to the bottom of her ribcage, and her bangs sit just above her eyes. She typically wears a pink, sleeveless shirt that ties up in the middle, 3/4 long black leggings and high, brown boots. Her sleeves are detached, and are strapped to her bicep with a belt. The striped sleeves go just past her wrist. She also typically wears brown bracers that match her boots. Her long, flared, pink jacket is accented in gold and tied at the front. Topping off her outfit is a large, pink hat with a massive pink feather in it. She is typically equipped with a gold-hilted Rapier, and a gold and purple seashell lyre.

  •  Height   5'6" (168cm) 
  •  Weight   128lbs (64kg) 
  • Birthday   February 27th
  • Occupation   Travelling storyteller/adventurer
  • Class   Bard
  • ● Would be the equivalent of about 22 in human years
  • ● She originally lived in Tathis, Aufigon where the Valron family lives
  • ● Lily travels the world on adventures not because she's particularly keen on fighting monsters, but because she wants to tell the stories of her adventures when she returns home
  • ● She usually sings her stories while playing her lyre
  • ● Although it seems as though her bardic magic originates from the lyre, it's actually her voice
  • ● Some people know her as "The Siren"
  • ● She wears bracers and greaves that are almost the same colour as the barbs on her arms and legs, so most people think that the barbs are part of her armour rather than her body
  • Swimming/bathing
  • Cute people, especially if they wear glasses
  • Telling stories
  • Singing/playing her lyre
  • Sparring with her rapier
  • Going on high-paced, interesting adventures
  • Staying around places too long
  • Travelling alone
  • Dry and arid places
  • Going too long without taking a bath/swim (she starts to dry out and it affects her health)
  • Anyone touching/messing with her hat
  • When people are afraid of her features


Lily does not remember her life before meeting the Valron family. Apparently, she had washed up on shore, unconscious, when the human couple found her and nursed her back to health before adopting her outright. She could not speak their language (common) initially, but soon learned. Although she was a sea kin, she mostly grew up as if she were a human with slightly more unsettling features. She was bullied and teased a bit about her appearance, and it left her with a low self-esteem. That was until one day, when at the market, she met a travelling bard. He was not bothered by her appearance, seemingly having been around a wide variety of people in his time. He told her wonderful stories about his adventures, and she was captivated by the concept. She wanted to travel the world and tell wonderful stories just like he did. She was so motivated, that for his time in town, he treated her as though she was his apprentice. He taught her a love for song, storytelling and the allure of good company. A week after meeting, he bought her a hat that looked a lot like his and told her she was ready to tell her story. He left town, and she never saw him again.

Currently, Lilly tours the world, telling her stories and singing her songs. She will occasionally team up with random adventures to seek new stories, though she tends to take a more supportive role in those cases. She wants younger adventurers to have a chance to experience their own epics, and is happy to watch them unfold so that she has more tales to tell about more brave heroes. She still has the large, feathered hat her Mentor gave her and hopes to meet him someday in her travels.


Monica Meoni Frenemy. They're both very charismatic women and have a bit of a friendly rivalry going on ever since they went on an adventure together to defeat a Harpy Queen. They have a permanent endorsement deal where Monica talks up Lily's performances, and Lily endorses Monica's Cafe.

Kevin (just Kevin) The two are like fire and water. Kevin is a little too free-spirited for her taste and his unabashed desire for romance puts her off. He tries to encourage her to embrace her otherworldly appearance and he can't stand the way she hides herself.

Alistair Vanderstel Would love to go on an adventure with Alistair and a couple of others. He seems capable and talented at adventuring if he moved from bounty hunting to adventuring, and thanks he needs some character development and new friends.

profile html by Hukiolukio