


7 years, 11 months ago


Net Worth: 10usd



"To everyone who’s shoulder to shoulder
The days where we want a reason, a reason;
the days where we want a connection, a connection
somehow, they’ll never come to be

The music and the paper
it’s written on hunger for meaning ..."



NAME | Retro
AGE | 2.3
SEXUALITY | Pansexual
MATE | None
KIDS | None
MORE IMAGES | Ref above by Vana
HEIGHT | 3'0"
WEIGHT | 152 lbs
SPECIES | Canine
BREED | Dog/Wolf Hybrid

INJURIES | His tail is docked
PACK | None
RANK | None

Quote from: 'Absolute Music Dance'
"We are deceived by the phrases, advancements, catastrophes
that seem to have meaning
but are criticisms of us
who feel that we need to decipher them
With music, with literature, with art,
there’s nothing that I want to convey..."

Opportunist - Easy-going - Analytic - Educated - Two-faced - Rough

Don't have a clip right now. Imagine more of a masculine voice that feels smooth


Sleeping, company, wandering, fighting, learning, new experiences, smaller canines, nature, roughhousing

Mindless activities, restraints, others trying to play his own game, pointless noise, picking sides, those he can't gain anything from

Opportunities, Education, Dreams, Violence

Afraid of losing the rest of his tail and choosing the loosing side


Frowning, unconsciously posing, staring, moving his ears

Retro is a clever wolf you need to be careful of. He's pretty lax and easy to get along with, but there is a reason for that. He is a huge opportunist, always wanting to gain as much as he can from a situation whether it's information or belongings. He doesn't care, he just wants to take as much as he can, even if that means pushing you into the well. No hard feelings. He's fairly clever and extremely analytical so watch out for that, he knows the game that he is playing. Besides that he goes along with just about anything, being a huge rugged pushover. Despite being a bit rough around the edges with a love for violence, he's pretty friendly and will generally take care of you when it is not in the way of him getting stuff. Sometimes he sees friendships as opportunities thus instead of screwing you over he tries to help you gain benefits, so he can be a double-edge sword but it's more wise to have him as a friend. You'd have to do a lot to piss him off anyways. Another interesting thing about Retro is that he is not very smart but is instead very educated. He knows many things and has a love for learning. He always wants to know more so questions are something you need to get use to him asking. Mix that with his analytical talents and thus he can ask some pretty deep things and sound much smarter than he really is. Finds canines smaller than himself to be adorable.

Quote from: 'Absolute Music Dance'
"There's no confusion here,
or anything close to it
I’m holding onto a little bit of dignity
through the diversions of this life
and the troublesome culture I’ve soaked into..."

Long Ears - Lengthy - Semi-Thin - Stamina - Strength - Fluffy - Docked Tail

Retro is a bit lengthy and thin but he is still fit and thus is strong with good stamina and all around a decent build with his own adaptive fighting style. Due to the dog in him he has longer ears and a lot of fluff in certain areas.

White black and some sort of weird dark purple with blue eyes

Stripes and spots

Quote from: 'Absolute Music Dance'
"Who knows if there’s any real meaning
(Oh- Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)
in the words that saved your heart

There is no meaning in suddenly dancing... "

Was born in a large hippy-like family. His family was very loving and happy to have him join the family, being the only pup in a third litter from his parents. He has two older sisters and six older brothers. Being the only pup in the litter, he was spoiled.

As he grew up, his parents wanted him to become very educated, and thus they shared all kinds of knowledge with him, proving to be very experienced and wise parents. Retro realized he loved learning, finding knowledge to be power and became hungry for it. Tail got docked around this age due to an accident he doesn't like to think about.

Once he learned all he could from his family, Retro set off on an adventure to learn even more knowledge and to be able to take whatever opportunists he could get. Due to his constant roughhousing with six brothers he had grown a love for violence also.

He now wanders, having no purpose. He's beginning to think he'll find more opportunities and knowledge if he joins a pack.

Quote from: 'Absolute Dance Music'
"If it loops for even a little bit, look look
(Oh- Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)
If it’s done with even a little bit of meaning, look look
(Oh- Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)
the kid who hates nonsensical explanations is
(Oh- Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)
looking this way through the shadow of the door..."