


4 years, 10 months ago


Also known as Runo
Age unknown
Pronouns he / him
Alignment chaotic evil

Profile template by Circlejourney

"Aww c'mon little goddess, let me run wild!!"

Runo is best described as a bit of a trickster god. He enjoys making unlikely couples fall in love, which has caused a lot of strife and pain throughout much of the mortal plain. In modern days, Runo caused the strange parasocial feeling many people get when it comes to personalities in entertainment.

Runo has no regret over causing strife. He finds it quite entertaining. He's a bit of a rough enemy to have, and an unruly ally.


Runo spends a lot of his time just doing whatever he feels like. He can often be found in alternate worlds masquerading as various people just for kicks. He's been doing this for as long as he can remember, it seems as though it's something that just came innate with the governance over love.

Over the course of Cyrus' escapades on Earth, Runo is spending his time in a medieval world living as the third son of a Duke. Runo, using this disguise, finds himself as a sort of mastermind in the society he put himself in. He finds joy in scandals and using his governance over love to make unlikely couples appear. Runo finds this world incredibly entertaining and rarely leaves. When he does leave, he visits his sister and pays his respects to the young sun goddess. Though he does pay respect to the sun goddess, he treats her as a younger sister of sorts. This means he has a tendancy to tease her and wants to shake her world up a bit.

Cherry Sister, very close with one another
Elpis Best friends. They both spent a good amount of time watching over mortals, which caused the two of them to bond.
Cyrus The sun goddess he very much respects. While he respects her, he also very much loves messing with her.
  • Currently the third son of a Duke. He picked being the third son over the first two, as it allows him to avoid the responsibility of inheriting the title, however it also allows him to indulge in the luxury associated with the title. Despite not truly being a son of the Ducal family, he is loyal to them and will step in if they are threatened.
  • Cherry and Runo have always been super close, except for one experience in their childhood in which Cherry didn't feel like aiding Runo in his latest scheme down on the mortal plain. This caused Runo to hold a one-sided grudge against his sister which lasted 15 years. This had some weird effects down on the mortal plain, as Love and Fertility weren't getting along at all. After the pleas of his close friend, Elpis, Runo gave in and forgave his sister.