Mono's Comments

Hey ho, just checking in again ♥️

It's been quite a while and I wasn't sure if maybe u changed ur mind on him aah

My new sales account is Daycare_Pickup with a bunch of new babs as well, so maybe something would be of interest for u there now ♥️

Nonetheless, thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️

Heya, just wanted to ask if anything regarding this boi has changed? I'd still be absolutely happy to take him back if u happened to have lost interest in him ♥️

It's fine if not too, I don't want to be pushy or anything aah

Nonetheless, thank u so much in advance, I look forward to hearing from u! 

I hope, u have a wonderful day ♥️

Heya, I just wanted to ask if this boi happened to be up for offers? 

He was once mine and I'd love to get him back if possible ♥️

oof hello! super sorry for the late reply, school really got in the way <//3

I haven't had any plan for him yet so yes he's up for OTA if you're still interested!

Aw, that's completely fine lol school can be hell c,:

Would u happen to be interested in someone from _Trashmouth_Sales_ for him by any chance? ♥️

ahh unfortunately I couldn't find any design that intrigued me ><

Would anyone on this account happen to strike ur interest? 

I'll go ahead and authorize u so u can take a look ♥️

Please let me know whether u found something or not so I can take u off the authorization list again if ure not interested and please make sure to read the tag guide in the welcome folder before taking a look around as some are personal characters who aren't up for offers!! 

ahh thankyou! i'm a bit interested in this character! 

12 Replies