Asteria Psomas



4 years, 10 months ago


➳name; asteria psomas

➳age; 18

➳gender; female

➳sexuality; heterosexual

➳crush; none

➳hair; pale red

➳eyes; light pink

➳height; 5'3

➳weight; 91 lbs

➳class; commoner -> monk -> pegasus knight -> warlock -> falcon knight

➳house; golden deer

➳weapons; asteria is well versed with the lance and finds it an easy to use weapon while on the back of her pegasus. it gives her range and she is quite skilled with it in comparison to other weapons. she also is very adept with magic despite it being uncommon for fliers to use. she specializes in fire spells but is a quick study when it comes to magics thus learns how to wield other kinds rather easily. she often can be found studying magic with the mages rather than training with other fliers

➳personality; asteria is a reserved young girl who finds it hard to express many of her feelings. she is kind, but blunt and often does not think before she speaks. given this nature, she is strict on herself and often has a very planned out schedule that she feels she must follow. she rarely goes with the flow of things and find it difficult to do so. due to her life before the academy, she often feels as if her family's future entirely rests upon her own shoulders thus she burdens a great amount of stress over it. she does not hail from a noble family nor one of money thus making her knowledgeable in the ways of the commoner. her haggling skills are second to none and she is an extremely dedicated and hard worker. she has a love for baking given that she was raised by a family of bakers that worked for one of the noble families. asteria isn't afraid to get down and get dirty if she must and is willing to put in many hours of studying to better herself. in many ways she tends to distance herself from others and sees them as distractions to her work. unlike the rest of her family, she is a gifted individual although she does not bear a crest. even so this leads herself to think that it is her duty to look after them and assure their safety which was what lead her to the academy. she studied hard and found herself a recommendation in. her studying habits do cause her to be overworked and she often forgets that she needs to eat because she becomes so focused on such. self care tends not to be a priority for her thus making her someone that others often worry about. oddly enough, she does enjoy napping when she can, but usually it's at the expense of being overtired in the first place. asteria hates to admit that she overworks herself and often struggles to see views that conflict with her own thus making her someone that tends to argue with others even though she is a relatively kind soul. he doesn't necessarily dream of becoming a knight, but rather that it is her duty. as such her views on heroics are much more somber than others and she believes that by becoming a knight she is pledging away her own life. if asked she does not show signs of regret towards this decision. as much as she would prefer to live a quiet life, she knows she can do so much more by protecting others with her skills thus refuses to regret what she does