Lina Vidal (English)




Last Name : Vidal
First Name : Lina
Age : 12 y/o
Birthday : 4 August
Zodiac Sign : Leo
Height : 1m50
Weight : 39 kg
Gender : Female
Orientation : Heterosexual
Situation : Single
Birth Place : Castelia City (Unova)
Origins : Spanish (mother) | Hawaiian (father)
Seiyuu : Yukana Nogami (Meiling Li - Cardcaptor Sakura)
Job : Junior high school student
ddda4rt-9de89959-028b-414d-85ce-55048cdcPokémon : Comfey
Shiny : No
Nature : Jolly
Type : Fairy
Weaknesses : Poison | Steel
Level : 12
Evolution : Not evolued

Moves :  Flower Shield | Vine Whip | Draining Kiss | Magical Leaf
Abilities : Triage = Gives priority to a healing move.
Pokedex entries : It stretches sticky vines out from its head and picks flowers to adorn itself with. When it doesn't have any flowers, it feels uneasy. It picks flowers and sticks them to its body with fluids it produces. The aroma that wafts from its petals has a healing effect.


Like :
- Recipes and culinary videos.
- Spend time on social media.
- Dancing.
Dislike :
- When she sees terrible things on the Internet (she cuts everything down afterwards).
- THE HIJOS OF PUTA, which annoys young girls.
- Poorly mannered people who make inappropriate comments.
- When the Internet is gone ToT

Extras :
- She rolls them "r" when she speaks and says "ou" instead of "u".
- She sometimes speaks Spanish when she is angry.
- She is a yellow belt in Karate.
- Takes pictures of perverts who harass girls and threatens to go to the police if they continue.
- Her foot in your face if you are not well-behaved.
Personality :
She’s mature enough for her age and already has a strong maternal instinct. She hates injustices and we go after smaller people. This is exactly the kind of situation that makes it jump and act to protect others. She is very tactile and often goes through hugs to comfort her loved ones. She has very strong opinions, but if we take the time to explain things to her, she is able to open up her vision a little more.
