


4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info




After so long she’s finally home

name by previous owner/mocha: kojine bai

Essie  is a serpent-type human-dragon. She was born to human parents. This  caused a strain on their relationship, because they do not know where  she got her draconic dna from. Her father and mother fight amongst each  other, one accusing the other of cheating with a dragon.

Essie  grew up to become an idol. Her music caught the attention of Gwen Co  CEO's daughter. His daughter, Loi, talked about her so much that he  decided to base one of his newest androids on Essie's likeliness.

For  a while, Essie was part of an idol group with Achautli, and left due to  creative differences with the only human singer (she fell in love with  him...).

Essie's sub-species allows her to have a high affinity  for the spiritual realm. This is heightened for a week during a dragon  holiday celebrating Aida Hweddo. She sees her cousin and goes on an  adventure to help solve his murder. He was sadly strangled by his  ex-girlfriend's new boyfriend. The evidence was an audio from his phone.

TRIVIA (to draw)

  • she wears the hoodie that belonged to her dead cosuin, as a memory of him
  • sometimes, she sees someone who looks like her cousin wandering around the neighborhood
  • her,  Achautli, the male singer and other two members take lots of photos  together. Her personal favorite is a photo they took on the set of their  music video, Ice Cream Monday.