
4 years, 9 months ago


Elizabeth "Scott" Scott
Dream Job


Aspiring • Capable • Clever • Courageous • Genuine • Loyal • Principled

Write a small intro for your character here. Think like the summary on a back of a book - 1 to 2 paragraphs to give you a quick glimpse of the character. You'll fill out more details later in the template.

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  • Mystery stories/ghost stories
  • Taking notes/doing research
  • Catching someone in a lie
  • Not wearing shoes


  • Wearing shoes of any kind
  • Being locked in her room
  • Her Uncle Monti
  • Pumpkin drinks




Tipi is without a doubt the strangest person Scott had ever met, even more so for his 'family', but boy oh boy is she glad she did! Having been taken to this strange, pumpkin obsessed, mountain side town, Scott was almost entirely locked away from the outside world until she saw a bizarre young boy talking to what seemed like nothing one day outside her window. Turns out his entire family is made up of some of the kindest, most caring ghosts Scott has ever met. Slowly but surely the two became the absolute Best of Friends, and Scott is forever thankful for his big heart and friendship. As far as she's concerned the three of them will always be together! This adventure across the globe to find the original owner of Tipi's home is only the first of many adventures to come as a trio, in her book at least.


Haadiyah Khanna

Scott admires the daylights out of Haadiyah. Strong, confident, outgoing, mature; she's everything Scott wishes to be one day. It doesn't hurt that Scott also has a small crush on her friend either, but as long as she gets to spend time with her new friend that's all that matters to her. Scott is extra appreciative of everything Haadiyah has done for her given that she and Tipi helped free her from her murderous uncle AND prove that he killed Scotts parents, but she's even more appreciative of how patient Haadiyah is with her as well. This whole 'ghost' thing is very new to Scott and she has a lot to learn to catch up with the likes of both Haadiyan and Tipi! But she'll do her very best as the trio travels to find Fillbrick in order to save Tipi's home.


Vincent Von Snipe

Scott rather likes Mr. Von Snipe and has since the beginning. He's sauve and extremely helpful - not to mention having an adult like him in tow has been very helpful given that the trio are 12, 14, and 15 years of age. Scott doesn't fully understand him or his motives for helping them but as he's saved their lives multiple times, going so far as to even stop a man from killing Scott, she has a lot of faith in him. He may have worked for the crazy old bat that's trying to take Tipi's home from his family but he certainly isn't on her side! He's on theirs.

HTML by Eggy | Background by @anniespratt