Basic Info



Date of Birth

873,567 - 259th - Regertia










In a Relationship








Self-employed Engineer & Innovator




Tentative, rambunctious, devoted, self-contained, short-tempered.


Technology, money, space travel, warm climates, spicy/bitter foods, music, vodka, fancy clothing, engineering, exploration.


Water, sweet food/drink, being pestered, authorities, physical restraint, argument, slime, sport, economic appropriation, untidiness.


Neriph’eto is a species of alien known as the Æ-onüri, standing at exactly 6 feet tall and weighs 221.3lbs. With a core body temperature of 41.5°C, he is covered in black and vibrant sky blue fur, with a large white neck scarf and scruffy fur curving down and around his jawline to boot. His eyes are singular entities which combine his pupils into his iris’, hence the uniform blue seen entirely comprising them. To the left you will see a reference of his back; a line of short, sharp white spikes which, while running down the length of his spine, are directly connected as an integral component of his spine. By our definitions, he has oversized hands and feet which do not fit in proportion with the rest of his body, on which his black fur fades into a grey gradient. As for what you see on the right, his flesh is completely black, just as the majority of his fur coat. His tail begins with the uniform black and blue fur seen on the rest of his body, which tapers to a ridiculously sharp point; sharp enough to puncture human skin on contact. Neriph'eto originates from a world on which his species is very much still alive; he is by no means a member of an extinct or nearly extinct race of life forms. His home planet – Æleir – follows a social and economic construct built on features remarkably similar to that of Earth, namely that of nations, groups of his species belonging to ethnic origins, and exchange of goods and services for capital gain in a world that is several steps ahead of Earth in terms of technological advancement. Æleir rotates on a 73° axis, orbiting approximately 13,571,000,000km from a blue giant star which the Æ-onüri calls their sun. As such, due to the nature of blue giant stars having an extremely small lifespan compared to that of other stars, large investments towards the rapid advancement of technology have been made on Æleir, with the populace seeking to outsource for materials and other worlds habitable to their kind in the galaxy. This suggests that the Æ-onüri have realised the imperative of this task very quickly while still being in the rather early stages of their evolution compared to how the concept in understood on Earth, meaning that they still have much evolutionary potential ahead of them. For a world and a populace so similar yet so different to that of Earth, there isn't much water on the planet of Æleir, with only 28% of the surface comprised of water which contains vastly greater concentrations of oxygen; being ho9 as opposed to h2o. The average lifespan of an Æ-onüri is more than double that of a human, with Neriph'eto himself being around 40 years old, the equivalent to a 19 year old human. Since coming to Earth, Neriph'eto has developed a fascination in the field of electrical engineering, with him spending large chunks of his time creating and innovating electronic technologies in his tech office that he has set up for himself.


His intention is to patent and sell his innovations to whoever is willing to invest in them; securing himself a financially stable future on Earth. As it currently stands, most of the technologies he develops are restricted to being used and tested on himself. This can be evidenced by a recent innovation; a neural translator which stores records of language vocabularies, thus can convert any language spoken to him into the language that he can understand, with the device itself in turn learning and storing information on spoken language to allow Neriph'eto to communicate back to others. Neriph'eto is a very sociable creature towards anyone he interacts with, however he very much keeps to himself, focusing only on his work and entertainment and not actively seeking to socialise with anyone, meaning that every one of his interactions with other life forms must be initiated by the other party. While Neriph'eto has established a professional goal for himself on this planet, this hasn't stopped him from forming an interest in some of the many sources of entertainment that Earth has to offer, having become fond of music to the point that he has also assembled his own music room where he spends time alone, indulging himself in the good psychological feelings that his favoured genres offer. During his time on Earth, Neriph'eto has learned to play, and has become highly proficient at playing the keyboard, which he can often be spotted doing in his music stage when he isn't busy working on electronics. He enjoys this to such a point that he goes as far as to remove keyboard tracks from the music he listens to in order to play along and fill in those pieces of the music himself, whilst simultaneously singing along, or at least miming along to the lyrics of songs containing vocals. It is unknown if he can actually sing or not. In addition to this, he has found great joy in partaking in freestyle DJ'ing, with this offering him the creative freedom to mix and match, redefine, and ultimately recreate music as he pleases. He can be regularly found doing this accompanied by a bottle of Cossack Vodka, which he has developed an appreciable taste for since arriving at Earth, in concoction with other beverages such as cola, lime & lemonade, orange, and cranberry juice. He prefers this over straight vodka. Despite his relatively simple and benign appearance and demeanour, Neriph'eto is capable of an extraordinary and unearthly power; the ability to physically move and manipulate any object comprised of metal. In combination with his fascination for electrical engineering and entertainment, he wields the power of electromagnetism. This is due to the fact that in every joint in his bone structure, and even his spinal spikes and claws, there exists a very highly electromagnetic metal compound known as Magänite. This ability did not come naturally to Neriph'eto and has been taught to him by masters of the art, with him having spent a great deal of time and effort learning to use this power.


Through the electrical signals sent from the brain to each corresponding part of his body, Neriph'eto is capable of generating, concentrating, focusing, and ultimately projecting an electromagnetic field from his body using physical moves and gestures that were taught to him, onto an object containing metal that is reactive to electromagnetism (i.e. iron, steel, nickel, cobalt, and even raw earth). Then, through the appropriate succession of positive and negative alterations in the electromagnetic field, he can lift and move around said metal objects to his will; no matter how much bigger or heavier the object is than him. In spite of this, the ability of his species to utilise this power is far and few, with many considering it to have become an obsolete skill to master in the time of such technological advancement, but ultimately the Æ-onüri have not yet evolved to a point where they are incapable of such powers. This could be understood however, as the strength of this power comes in varying degrees depending on how much of the object is comprised of electromagnetically reactive material, meaning that Neriph'eto has to work harder in order to move objects containing less metal, like earth. One utility of which Neriph'eto is fond for using this power is that of mobility; with him being able to use his power of electromagnetism to convert useless pieces of metal and earth into makeshift hover boards, in order to traverse large distances quickly. This however is not without compromise, as such a method lacks a system for stopping quickly when moving at high speed which Neriph'eto himself has learned the hard way; having been accountable for sometimes amusing, and sometimes downright dangerous collisions which he – at best – has walked away from with a few cuts and bruises – and at worst – has sustained broken bones and severe gashes which have required medical attention. A further, much greater compromise of this power is caused by none other than Neriph'eto's greatest weakness; water. For reasons currently unknown, water has the capability to interrupt his power to generate an electromagnetic field, meaning that if Neriph'eto were to find himself completely drenched, he would not be able to utilise electromagnetism at all until he dried out. Fortunately for his hatred and aversion to water, his body is self-cleaning and self-maintaining, meaning he does not require water to manually clean himself in order to keep his body fresh and healthy. With water being his justifiably biggest fear, he has conflicted feelings about just how much of it that there is on Earth, dreading the possibility of one day finding himself in a large body of water (i.e. the ocean), for two reasons: 1. He cannot swim as he has never had a requirement to learn how to. 2. The Magänite compound comprised in his body is very heavy, this ultimately meaning that if he were to ever find himself in the middle of a deep ocean, he would not be able to use his electromagnetism to pull himself to safety, and he could not swim. He would sink, drown, and that would be the end of him.


The only other idea that compares to his level of fear for water is the thought of being physically bound and tied up, the act of which is capable of bringing him to the point of crying and hyperventilating. The ultimate milestone for an Æ-onüri’s mastery of the power of electromagnetism... is the ability to redirect a bolt of lightning. The reasoning for this is not well understood by most. Neriph'eto himself has yet to achieve this feat, as it is an inherent life or death proposition in which the value of everything he has worked for is measured; all or nothing being the simple concept of this impossible task. He dreams of the ability to scale this obstacle, but is far from naïve and understands that a single wrong move in this infinitely imminent burden will take everything away from him, leaving him with nothing; dead. In his current situation however, he spends time on Earth carrying out his usual activities of engineering and innovating highly advanced technologies to be sold to private companies and contractors, all outside the scope of government interference. Outside of this, he is currently dating another alien living on Earth by the name of Meta, spending a good amount of his time with her when he's not busy dealing with work related matters. More than once he has considered a potential return visit to his home planet along with Meta, however given his current economic and financial situation, as well as matters concerning his own personal safety on his home planet, returning to Æleir is not looking to be a viable solution for a holiday away from his usual responsibilities and obligations on Earth. In his time he has also come into contact with another by the name of Amata, who makes a point of hanging around his makeshift home to find any means possible of irritating or otherwise annoying him knowing Neriph'eto has a very short temper in the face of any attempts to annoy, inconvenience or make his life difficult. This usually results in less than amicable interactions between the two, but with the presence of Meta, situations can be calmed relatively easy as Neriph'eto finds it hard to keep hold of any form of grudge or anger when Meta is around to slow him down. In spite of this it is not uncommon for Meta to take the liberty of being unorthodox in his company knowing he'll do anything to avoid responding to her behaviour in ways that would be highly volatile were they conducted by any other person. Morever, Neriph'eto has made a point of ensuring that any matters concerning his situation on his home planet are mitigated to prevent the feeling of being pushed away from his home forever as one day he would eventually seek to return.