


4 years, 10 months ago


Leona the Seedrian


Female // 16

Rebellious rocker


Species: Seedrian (dandelion)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Affiliations: None
Orientation: Unsure
Height: 3'3"
Ability type: Power/Flight
Nicknames: Little Lion, weed


  • Rock/punk music
  • Worn/ripped clothing
  • Sunlight
  • Exploring
  • Warm colours
  • Cats
  • Being alone


  • Crowded places
  • Medical things
  • Hospitals
  • Blue and purple
  • Bland foods
  • Pants
  • Noisy people



Leona is a rebellious Seedrian girl. She grew up on the planet Green Gate. She has a distaste for her home due to the false sense of 'peace' and overly 'clean' feel of it, feeling uncomfortable with the planets reputation affecting how individuals on it grow. She grew to hate it first when she was a young child, being bullied for her flower type being a weed, hating the hypocrisy of her classmates and teachers constantly talking about kindness and peace while having no qualms with talking about her behind her back. The collective 'hivemind' of her planet made her uneasy and she never truly felt at home there.

When she got older, she met someone in a chatroom on the Universal Net who offered to take her on a new adventure to take her away from her stuffy and uncomfortable life. She accepted, packed her things and headed to a new world with her acquaintance, who dropped her off and carried on his way to somewhere new. Now on Mobius, she discovered a world full of individuals with their own interests and crazy personalities, and also a love for the punk life style and rock music.

Personality: Curious, quick to anger, fairly quiet unless angry or interested in something, always willing to lend a hand, secretly very kind under her thorny exterior, melancholy at times, often listless, excitable, cautious

Powers and abilities

Resilient Roots - As weeds tend to be strong and hard to get rid of, so is Leona! while she herself isn't incredibly strong, she can take a lot of hits before going down, more than the average person, and regenerates very quickly.

Leo Claws - A self made weapons she started on when she was a young teen out of boredom, the spikes on Leona's knuckles on her gloves can extend into 4 long claw-blades.

Fluffy Flight-form - Leona can temporarily alter her flower into the puffy, seed-like dandelion mode and obtains the ability to fly, though she loses her regenerative and resilience in this form.

Skills: Enhanced speed, enhanced strength, enhanced jump, enhanced durability, enhanced stamina, enhanced agility, enhanced acrobatic skills and reflexes, flight, enhanced regeneration, weapon knowledge, photographic memory, bass/drum playing, good singer


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