


4 years, 10 months ago


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Name Theodora Anzhelika (Plush Or Teddy)
Age Died at 19 (Actual age is 22)
Gender Female
Race Zombie/Undead
Allignment Chaotic Good
Voice AshNikko


  • Plush Toys
  • Sewing
  • Freddy
  • Sharp Objects


  • Heights
  • Her Father
  • Meanies
  • The cold

selfconsious . psychotic . clingy

Ever since she was little , Theodora has been making toys. her father is the manager of a very large toy manufacturing company and her mother had taught her to sew before she sadly past away from illness when Valentina was 3. Wanting to follow in her fathers footsteps , Teddy stared creating toys by herself ,usually inspired by the reject toys she was given by the workers ,meaning each toy she made would have a quirk/something wrong with it, she thought it made them unique and bueatifully flawed, like people. she would then show her creation to her dad , only for it to be rejected and called a 'abomination'. but Teddy loved her toys anyway. since her dad usually had a lot of work to do , and usually didn't spend time with her even on his days off, she was usually left alone to her toys. eventually she got lonely , so she made friends instead. Her toys were missing something that made them truely alive... a soul. (WARNING: it gets dark from this point on) It started as a few kids from her school, then as she grew up , it moved on to her boyfriends or men she met at bars. Teddy wasnt stupid, in fact she studied for a degree in medical science when she was old enough, she was very smart. She figured out how to use the working parts from people and make them work in her toys instead. They looked like normal toys on the ouside but on the inside they were all too alive. The people who they use to be developed a sort of stochholm sysdrome, due to the shock and trauma and saw Teddy as they're new mother. The workers would catch her talking to her toys ocassionally, and while this was normal when she was a child, it was concerning when she was older. News of this eventually reached her dad and he asked Teddy to meet him on the roof of their factory during one of his breaks (he'd smoke up there). Teddy decided to use this as an oppertunity to show her dad what she had been working on all these years, hed be so proud of her... she thought. but he didn't. He was shocked, horrified at what she had created, although it looked like a normal bear or rabbit, it was the most horrifying thing he had ever seen. He snapped, calling his own daughter an abomination and threatening to send her away to a mental institute. Teddy didnt want that, she had spent so long ,working so hard to make her father proud, only for her to be sent away from him again??. she begged her father not to, throwing herself at him in a tantrum. Her father, still horrified, threw her off him in reflex... and off the side of the building. She fell to her death, her toys quickly scrambling to the ground and to her side. they wouldnt let her die... they couldnt! she was they're precious mother. So, they would help her like she had helped them. They fetched her sewing kit and in no time she was perfect again... or perfect as she could be. A certain death deity, who went by Chii, had been looking on, entertained by the dramatic and gorey scene, decided to lent a hand, guiding her soul back to where in belonged. And she opened her eyes. It wasnt the same after that. She hid her new stitches with a mask and decided to start going by a new name... 'Plush' Fit very well. She worshiped Chii for helping her pets bring her back and was indepted to her. She became one of Chii's followers and worked for her whenever she was needed. afterall ,she owed her her life... or unlife she supposed.



Chii (Lady Death)

"Haha i owe her my life!... or well.. unlife i guess XD"

Chii is the current reigning deity of the underworld. In her quest for complete control, she lends her hand out to mortals in need occassionally to gain followers in other worlds than her own. Plush was one of these. She lent her power to bring plush back to life after she fell from the building.



"Shes alil scary, but i like her!"

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