


7 years, 11 months ago

Basic Info




Unknown, appears 19


Wolf Hybrid


October 31


Mercenary for hire

Physical Description

Genesis is short, though has quite a bit of strength to make up for it. She’s tanned with short brown hair with blond highlights and matching tail. Her ears are pointed and almost wolf like in shape as they do move to help her to hear what is going on around her. On her hands and feet she has claw like nails and almost fangs for teeth. A scar is just under her right eye, an old fight the girl claims. Her eyes are a dark green, and her pupils are silted like a cat’s almost. For clothes she tends to wear what she finds. One can't be too picky when stealing clothing from stores or from what she can scrape together in mercanary work. Genesis wear no shoes most of the time; since most just don’t fit comfortably to her, causing calluses to form on the bottoms of her feet. A leather collar is on her neck, the clip where a leash could go is near the back of her neck.


Genesis is a tough girl, hardened in her years running from the hunters to get her back to the lab. This brings distrust to humans, though with time she could warm up to somebody. She shows the traits of being a leader, though has a bit of a short fuse at times. Under it all she is caring if she warms up to somebody, even shows a rare smile.


Her Story

Genesis started as an attempt to make a hybrid super soldier. A prototype to be honest for the real splicing if all went well. Things didn’t turn out as planned. Even when young Gen showed wolf like tendencies, growling and snarling at scientists when they performed tests on the hybrid to be sure of her abilities. At first she didn’t have a name, more the project number. Once she escaped with aid from one of the kind scientists she took on the code name for the project. Genesis. It was all that she knew, though did have a bit of an education by that point. She was recorded at being sixteen when escaped.

Putting all her skills to use and following instincts most of the time, she avoided human towns other than to get food or other things that were needed. An angry growl and a threat to tear the frightened store clerks were enough to get the hybrid what she wanted in basic needs. Still, the forests felt more like a home to her. Now she just roams in search of a place to call a home taking whatever odd jobs she can get paid in cash from.


-The night sky and the moon


-Most vegetables
-Fast food (The smell gets to her)