Cody Paphio Pedilum



4 years, 9 months ago


Cody is good friends with Florian

Cody is something like a druid. She can touch plants and know how they're doing or what they need. If strong sunlight touches any part of her body, plants will begin growing on and inside her at a rapid pace. It won't kill her but it's very uncomfortable and makes it hard to breathe. Because of that, she chooses to stay indoors most of the time and has developed into a bookworm. 

She keeps plenty of plants around to absorb sunlight that filters into her room. She reads aloud to them at times (after she did this for the first time, she began getting requests for "story" from her plants). 

Cody isn't really sure if she would want to be a herbologist or librarian. She's leaning towards being a herbologist that volunteers reading aloud at libraries.

Cody met Florian who was tending to plants in the community garden at night. She learnt that Florian was a vampire and couldn't care for the plants in the day so he did it at night. They got on really well and began hanging out together indoors in the daytime. 


Cody has a room full of indoor-thriving plants.
The favourite books of the plants are fantasy, mystery and romance.
Cody wears clothing that covers her entire body, which is horrible in summer.