Vincent Beckett



4 years, 10 months ago






A young writer and aspiring author, Vincent is a pretty humble guy. He's quite sweet and approachable, and although his writing appears eloquent and detailed, he's not as great of a talker. Maybe there's some sort of charm in that itself. Despite his future looking bright and being of natural talent, he never earned his parents' support, nor did he have any outlet when it came to publishing his writing; thus, he turned to another source of help. A questionable figure who called herself Alva took Vincent under her wing, noticing his desperation to make something of his life. She promised recognition and success, along with whatever else he had struggled to achieve in life, but expected something in return. Vincent has now found himself in a very strange dilemma.
Vincent knew what he wanted from youth. English was his strong suit in school, and whenever he wasn't writing, he always had his nose in a book. This wasn't something his parents disproved of, considering it meant he was doing well in school, but they weren't too keen on the idea of him pursuing a career in it. Writing and a good sense of grammar would naturally come in handy in the real world, although being an author was another thing; it meant you had a slim chance of making your mark, which Vincent's parents weren't confident in him doing. 
They weren't exactly wrong. Without their support, he wasn't able to get very far in reaching out to publishers or other companies that could assist him. All he had at this time were a few short stories, anyway; longer books took more time for him to write, but the end results were nearly flawless. Vincent decided this should be his focus for approaching a larger, more major company, and began working on a book while doing ghostwriting jobs on the side. 

to be continued!

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