


7 years, 11 months ago


He is an Autumn spirit but some says he is a changeling left behind alone (maybe even an outcast).


Physical description;

In his original shape he looks like sort of fox dragon (eastern type) with horns resembles falling leaves. As a human he has strong mongoloid appearance and looks aged character with fox ears and tail. Human design currently being reworked though.



As a human he appear silent and often a bit distant. He enjoys company of children but takes different approach to adults. If his powers being seeked he offers but not without a price carrying a tricskter personality the man must face a test, a rough and sometimes cruel test which suppose to teach them on lessons of Life and survival. A hard teacher to learn from. He carries fair amount of knowledge and awarness on the changing world around himself.

Taking the form of his birth, as dragon-fox he appear more playful and fragile carrying a shard of Autumn within. He is hard to "catch" but easy to see, like if he would play a never ending hide-or-seek. 



He has to "hybernate" sleep over the winter or he loses randomly something of his memory. It can be a person he met with or an event so he to preserve his memory prefer to sleep over this season even though he likes the snow and the atmosphere of this season. As for powers he can grant access to forgotten places (be it physical or spiritual world) and access to reach powerful artifacts/items. 



He hardly seeking connections he keeps for over the years, the only exception is another being he refers as "moon dog" who turned to be important for him through the years. They create a perfect Balance.



Under construction.