King Tut's Comments

Can I take him please?

Hello there! :V unfortunately, i don't see anyone there that calls out to me, but goodness, thank you so much for your interest! Right now in particular, i'm trying to save up to move to a different state, so i'm trying to get money for these kiddos if i can, unless a trade really, really hooks me lksjdkjf. so especially Toshiaki, Hikari, Akihide and Elio, i'd really prefer to sell. thank you so so much for your offer tho!!

Ah okay, no worries ^^'

Sadly I'm really really burned out when it comes to money atm but I do wish u the best of luck raising the money, u need!! 

If u start accepting art and/or characters again, id love to be pinged or something like that ♥️ (I have some babes on this account as well if u didn't find anything on the other one but I definitely understand preferring money!!) 

Sure thing! :V i'm always willing to entertain offers just in case one comes along that i can't pass up jskldfd but for now at least, i gotta get that bread. once i move, life can return to normal and i'll have more space for trades. ^u^

Sounds good, I wish u luck! ♥️