Dr. Traford Lobotny



4 years, 10 months ago


Created in 17.05.2011 as a doodle on homework paper
later in sketchbook 06 June 2012
17th July 2012 Personality, character and backstory all done. 
1st August 2012 first comic doodle appearance. 
Redraw and updating now and then. 

Bio update after info loss

His backstory:


What started as wanting to impress his father more than ever turned out to be a big mistake as this former arrogant and driven scientist merged with a souldevil.

To Souldevil Species:

Created by Godling Numihaku

Night-Creatures that live strong when the night comes or the sun is set a specific way.  UnderSpecies "Darkon" (merge with other Species. 2 Sub Categories  having a "yin/Yang" form depending if day or night or if good or bad)

Example: https://toyhou.se/5667068.raymond

Schattenvolk are a species of "dark" creatures. Literally.  Mixed shadows and have the height of kids. They are kneelong (height)  around  compared to humans, look like skelettons teinted in ink and  black and grey with part bones and furlike dust. They move easy around,  can warp from spot to spot and have black sclera and glowing eyes. One  can compare these to nightmare creatures. They live in the jungles deep  in Fabula where there is everlasting darkness with part light only very   roughly through where they live in peace. Their powers are heckn strong   in the darkness as well as part light (flashlight side, nighlight or  humans or animal shadows. The can hide and use their power. The less  darkness or shadows they have, the weaker they get. Too long in pure  sunlight and they dissolve fully. Which makes them weak against. 

A reason they hide on shadows of others through day if not  in their village. They dwell and live in Darkonian Woods in Fabula (!)  Some do live underground and want nothing to do with the  above.

Agile, fast and curious they are and adjust fast to what they have learned. 

Origin Schattenvolk are ones that do not bind with others  or share a form. They can take on the appearance of the ones they have  once hidden with  or bound. (As well as with fomer lived ones)

Bound means they merge with the body and hide within (kind  of like an armor for them) too long and they might kill the host by  merging with their soul or shoving it out of the body, making it theirs.  Letting the hostbody become part  and thus theirs to use and form. Many  dislike this as they treasure nature and life.  So only in rare case do  they stay in someones body  (animal, human, alien etc) and will do fast  to get out. 

Also possible to merge with rescent dead bodies. They can take over and give it a new meaning of life. (Protective) 

They can also merge with items such as swords, juwelery or  clothings as long as the combination is multilayered (so not just plain)

The ancient ones dont have a form and remain themselves.  The younger  generation have a second appearace they can use to distract  or Illusion (a type of copycat of the form they were in) a reason many  say they saw ghosts of loved ones in the forest or near them. 


they are only able to get offspring on full  moon , Blue or blood moons.  Every other day/night not able. Meaning you  can mess around and not get pregnant (if non Schattenvolk)
Females are highly treasured and rare. Making them royalty and treated highly.
While  the same type can mess around, it is more likely higher praised if  there is a couple. Since males cant mate males. One can alter their  gender but it is not reversable.
The later generation do even merge  with others in order to get offspring of most new hybridism but those  arent nice to be seen in the village and an outcast move.
Many seek to get on the bloodmoon as this is a special event and making them born under one makes them special.
The species is a peaceful kind that has immense powers, keeps nature and peace between the animals and the forest.
They  do have a powerful bonestructure when taking their physical form. Their  bones can heal any sickness, their skills on plants creating the Lumi  Nightshade that can do wonders..making them a hunted species way later  on. 

The mating process is harmless and non explixit as one  might think. When the time comes, the Schattenvolk merge from their form  to a more "fluffy ruff" form (almost like lil werewolves) and have a  very smooth silklike fur covered. The couple come together, sniff at  each other and hug (wiggle against the other) imagine an intense  cuddling but with lill giggles and huffs. 2 minutes later they make a  big furball pile. And while they glow up, a bit of them gets bound with  the other  (part bone and fur from each containing memories, experieces  and all) the small furball "flops" out between the two and for a moment  it s like a softball. A short nudge of the parents and a "kiss on the  head" from both as they name "it" letting the lil wereform in a way open  its eyes.  Very adorable with small teeth, this few moments old "baby"  already has the knowledge it needs. A moment to get up and walk around  (independent) while the parents mate with others if let, the offspring  all gather in their "nursery" hut to sleep. Meaning to process now all  knowledge gifted by their parents.

One can mate with many as the offspring are rare. Since  females are too (usually get snatched or eaten due to their valuable  meat they have when in their moonform)

Mating for Schattenvolk means of carrying and taking along  bloodlines. Each generation passes all info deep within. Making the  newest gen the  "better" version of their parents. They can tell family,  parents and such by scent (so they don't crossbreed or stumble upon a  family member) 

On special occasions (1x every 20 years) there are gray  Schattenvolk born from the sacred night tree (making more of them so to  say since dying species need a new bloodline too) their fur/type varies  every 20 years. 

-They don't have the "funside" of mating like others do. For  them its a means to survive and to let knowledge pass on to offspring.  The more "modern"  and hybrid ones do however. 

 -Females done have bloodcycles/periods. They only get hella  furious once a month for 24hrs and are calmer afterwards. (Males tend  to hide in this time or some devoted stay to try and soothn them)

-Their blood is blue with a slight bit of black (like a penink or such)

Different types of Schattenvolk:

-Origin Schatten: born under the old moon (normal fullmoon) and do not have a bound form. 

-Darklings: born under blood moon and able to get their own evolved form (leading to the winged beasts combo)

-A Shadling being the bound form (permanent) means it can  remain in the chosen form it merged with as well as revert to small  form. The bonding must be done freely

Known Shadlings:

-Fendros https://toyhou.se/4693932.fendros
-Dorian: https://toyhou.se/12308457.dorian


Timeline w.i.p
Redo age!

Doc born

Robert Iris Parsley (16 1/2) - a.k.a Doc Lobotny catches the souldevil and experimentations are beeing done.

Age: 18 
Marriage and "death" situation.
Been "fighting and getting used to Soul for 2 years (including timesway inFabula training)

From Story Start Age 20


Has Scars: 
-Bulletshot wounds (as he was killed) in forehead, chest and above belly
-scars from animal (3 big and deep)
-backscars from fight
-Wound more the cut line on his scalp due to the crematorium unfinished

-has Heterochromie after his connection. Left eye green/golden, right eye blue: Which means he can´t see well after the connection as he only see´s "Specs" shadow and real form of others with their powers, colors and such (Thus as a souldevil would see): Got custom glasses made from his old friend Mitch which help him see normal. Always keeps 2 spares with him (!)
-Fan of Steampunk and fiction (Loves wearing them) as well as the viktorian age (due to clothes)
-His favourite book later on is "Dr. Jackyl and Mr. Hyde" as he goes to a similiar struggle, alongside tipps and tricks of Mind
-Always (!) wears gloves in public -From fashionwise to protection-to hide his light furry hands and sharp (retractable) claws.
-Also has sharp nails on his normal feet
-Originally has black hair, they changed after the souldevil merged. Making his haircolor the color of the souldevil "magic and spirit"
-Barely sleeps as he fears the souldevil would take over, so usually seems tired or bored (which isnt the case) knows how to keep himself awake. He does have powernaps which help enorm and takes specific pills to block the Souldevil from taking over (he usually get´s sick n throws up after a good sleep due to them, so rarely does it) a reason he is thin as well.
-enjoys food as he eat´s for energy and to shush the souldevil from wanting to take. The food serves as a trade type, letting doc eat alot (which he needs)
-the reason he is the "Best" is due to his eyes, when focused, can see through bodies and see the troubles. From internal bleeding, parasites and more. Nothing escapes those souldevil eyes: Along with skilled hands, merged with the souldevil means sharing powers.
-Has a huge variation on Knowledge thanks to his fotografic memory and passion to learn. He learns what he can (and also to distract the souldevil and not give in to sleep) A nickname few name him is "Doc Wiki". He has a huge collection on books and treasures from his travels he stores
-Has a Venderak creature (Horselike) and a carriage he obtained from 2 former friends. Rearranging and making it practical:
-He can use portals and teleport to places he has been before (without any problems) also see´s the wavelines where portals can form. Thanks to the souldevil.
-Doc has many "homes" and bases through  his travels he usually teleports to where he also has his hidden stashes and stuff (and only he has access to.
-Loves music and plays violin. Has a soft voice when singing. Also tends to watch musicals or would wait before leaving to listen to someone play music.
-Singing is part of the souldevil as well as they usually use their "enchanting" voices to let others lay low and be more of a state to observe and take over when needed. Doc uses the right amount to soothn people when stressed. A reason his voice is smooth when talking as well.
-Doc has his own ways. Not pure good or pure bad but the amount he thinks is fitting.
-part of powers with souls is of course either saving them, stopping from leaving bodies or ... to gain energy, life and more, devour the souls (They can´t be reborn) as they remain in the souldevil merged body and can only be free´s once the souldevil is dead.
-carries a lil plush keychain around the hips and 2 viles in case he need´s to help a soul or keep in safety.
-Due to him having lost his love (twice in his life) he rarely hangs on someone. Those who are close and know him well, he considers family and will defend to the brim.
_pretty open to anything and likes to try things out.
-tends to smile most of the time and joke when the situation is hairy.
-fast and swift with hands, skillful and can dodge. He later learns to fight and get´s stronger on control
_due to the merge of the souldevil, both sides can´t really die (if doc dies, his soul wanders in the para and get´s sent back everytime) Like a cat with 7 or 9 lives. "One can´t live without the other" So poison and all may have an effect, but after 7 minutes he returns and is immune against it. (meaning he can usually create an antidote with his blood)
-Get´s hunted alot from 3 specific creatures as Souldevils are rare, ancient and most dangerous.
-determined to seek the one who killed his fiance and love way back as well as him. Has tons of evidence and a locked room where he has secrets hidden


-Work (As a doctor, surgeon- Allrounder) has 2 different clothings. One for travel (medical) and one for the hospital.
-free time winered shirt and black pants
-Also has the yellow turtleneck with blue short Jacket and white pants
-steampunk attire (4 clothing variations)
-loves wearing white and winered at times.


song inspo:
150% Lobotomy - Anime MV ♫ AMV - YouTube (posted May 15, 2011) as well as Professor Stein AMV - Unstable - YouTube Dec 20, 2010) inspired me to merge the souldevil and doc)

Some songs that fit:
A villain but make them the ✨main character ✨ // playlist - YouTube
Soul Eater AMV [Gorgeous Nightmare] HD - YouTube
Nightcore - Two Face (Lyrics) - YouTube
Self Deception - Fight Fire With Gasoline | Official video - YouTube
.. Baby One More Time - KUNG FU PANDA 4 - Jack Black - Tenacious D - YouTube


Doc later on saves lives as well. from a war to worlds he has saved and taken even some in his homes. The closest emotional support is his feline Naruki. She is the most closest one has ever gotten and even the Souldevil doesn´t harm her. Doc is pretty sweet with children and can be cunning to a point one would never expect.

Not to forget that Doc is a part scientist and has his pleasures in learning something new. So he would tend to do things just to get what he wants.

Later on Doc and Souldevil get more powerful together to a point that doc can use the form of the souldevil while in control.


Doc "now"

- He is still in coop with the Souldevil (simply call´s him D-Soul)
- Has a "pet" friend https://toyhou.se/4960750.naruki(he treasures her and not even Soul would harm the feline)
- Later finds the duo Natasha https://toyhou.se/7814048.natasha and Carmen https://toyhou.se/7814062.carmen and gave them a home
- Founded per coincidence the band "The Nighthowlers" and later gave the lead to one of the main cast. So he could operate on and help others (Soul approves of this)
- Has a small love (Precillia from the past) and has a daughter https://toyhou.se/5974597.charlie



Locations he has been/had home
-Fabula- Kingdom Thimbletar (with elven princess Precillia)


Places he has a home and can return and live anytime

