


4 years, 10 months ago




Name Moonrise
Gender Female
Rank Warrior
Clan Brookclan/Thistleclan
Mentor Stoneface


Born to Wolftail and Silverfur, Moonrise is the eldest in her mother's litter. Her siblings are Leopardshine and Frostheart. Growing up, Moonrise was always curious and outgoing, making friends with many cats outside of her clan, particularly a tom who was the same age as her, known as Silentpaw/frost. The two easily struck up conversation no matter where they met, either at Gatherings or if they encountered one another during their clan's respective patrols, as tension wasn't high between Brookclan and Thistleclan at the time.

Throughout her life, Moonrise has been plagued by visions of her past lives. These visions can come to her at any time, and often leave her unable to move nor speak. Due to this, the Brookclan leader, Galestar reappointed her as a medicine cat apprentice. Extremely unhappy with this desicion, she ran away from the clan, finding herself deep within Thistleclan territory. She was found by a patrol that included her best friend, Silentpaw, and Thistleclan's leader, Sunstar. Upon hearing of her plight in her own clan, Sunstar offered a place to her in Thistleclan. She initially declined, instead seeking advice from Thistleclan's senior medicine cat, Goldenfeather. With the support of Goldenfeather and Sunstar, Moonpaw went back to her clan, swaying Galestar to change his desicion. Moonpaw eventually grew and became Moonrise, yet was still haunted by the visions of her past. (Will finish writing later maybe lol)


Aliquam sed eros sed nisl bibendum facilisis at et augue. Maecenas luctus risus ante, ac egestas lacus suscipit ut. Etiam eu urna velit. Ut vitae augue quam. Vivamus ex nisi, suscipit non nisl id, rutrum condimentum velit. Aenean vel ante pulvinar, bibendum lacus eu, euismod ex.

Amet mattis vulputate enim nulla aliquet porttitor lacus luctus accumsan. Ultrices dui sapien eget mi proin sed libero enim sed.


  • Facial markings must be exact, please! ;w;
  • Please blend her cheek fur into her fur, it doesn't need to stand out like in her other art!

  • Moon initially, she was going to be given the prefix of Cloudy, but her father, Wolftail, was given what he believed, to be a vision from Starclan, and urged her mother to give her the prefix of Moon, despite it being rather taboo.
  • rise Given to by Galestar, as he saw potential in her to lead their clan to a brighter future.
  • If named with the prefix Cloudy, her warrior name would've been Cloudysky.
  • Her visions of her past lives are often of her time spent as Moon, an ancient she-cat who intially drove the clans apart due to her ill-fated romance with another clan cat.

code by jiko