Edel Balista



4 years, 9 months ago


Haughty know-it-all mage; Edel's character arc deals with realising that he can never know enough and that people can be easily blinded by their fantasy.

Uses a crossbow/shortsword combo in a fight, but magic is his primary weapon; he has learned all elements except Light

At the start of the story, he's happily married to Rhoswen, a nice girl from his village; however, he's determined to build a career in the royal guard, so he sets off to the capital and his dad tags along. They meet the Angel from the legend in a tavern and agree to be his bodyguards, and everything escalated from there.

Edel makes a point to write a letter back to Rhoswen from every town they visit during their adventure.

He is the party's "traitor", switching sides to the Royal Guard (who are trying to catch the Angel) at first opportunity; however, he quickly sees that they are corrupt by the blind faith in the people above and switches back relatively quickly. Nobody's too angry at him, but he misses out on quite important events.