


4 years, 10 months ago


I Moan Into The Void

Ya'll Ready For The Bass Drop?

Go to: Basics, Design, Personality, Story, Trivia


Arata Yamada
Tempo Speed

Hero Name
DJ Killer Speed
November 11
Cherry Boy Riot

A student attending U.A. Arata doesn't seem all too serious with becoming a hero. While he is rather poor with academic studies, he's far more committed to his training and physical education.


Purple With Gold Around The Pupil
Lightly Tanned

Sapphire Blue Turning Red At The Middle Of His Hair and Bangs
Body Type
Ectomorph Type

Due to Arata's quirk, he tends to run and do intense laps to keep building up the muscles in his legs as well as his stamina. He tends to have his logo on his shirt and headphones, but also carries a small cat charm on his phone resembling the main feature of it. Arata's hair is usually a bit messy with a large cowlick always present at his crown. His nose also has a small bump on the bridge of his nose from where it's been broken.


Arata is a rather strange and provocative hero in training. He tends to enjoy being flirty with both classmates and enemies, but will get as serious as he can when he needs to. When serious he'll be far more interested in simply bringing down the target or escaping than taunting or flaunting to them. While he's not exactly bright, he makes up for it in passion and enthusiasm. He enjoys physical activities the most, particularly fighting as it helps burn off energy. Arata is usually bouncing off the walls with energy and the fact he drinks energy drinks and eats candies as snacks to help keep himself energized doesn't help.

Rave Music

Country Music
Decaf Or Sugar Free Items

Early Life

Arata was born in an experiment between his mother and father. His mother had been deranged enough to think that if she became pregnant it would force Arata's father to stay. Unfortunately he preferred having a custody battle over the boy instead of dealing with the crazy mess of a woman. However, given the complex nature of his parent's relationship and the legality of his mother even having been with his father, Arata was given over to his mother's mother to raise for the time. Living with his grandmother, he was kept mainly unaware of who his father was or why his mother wasn't around. His grandmother mainly lied about the whole series of events to anyone who would listen. When his father turned eighteen, Arata was two, and the man worked extremely hard to get custody of him. If not direct custody, at least having it be given to his own mother to prevent the boy from believing his grandmother's insane ramblings about him. His mother was award custody after Child Services discovered the conditions that Arata lived in.

Coming Into His Quirk

When Arata turned four, his father had been given custody of him finally and they both moved into a decent enough apartment for a new up and coming hero's salary. It was about a month after getting settled into their new home that Arata discovered his quirk. The boy's father had been running his radio show that night and one of the rock songs played through out the house. Being a small toddler, the boy was going up to his father room to show him one of his drawings. As he started to quickly waddle up, Arata suddenly speed up to speeds a four year old would never physically reach. Slamming into the wall of his dad's room, the boy started wailing from breaking his nose at the impact. After his father had panicked about the amount of blood coming from his baby's nose, he quickly rushed him to a pediatrician and quirk specialist. After bandaging him up, the doctor's did confirm that Arata had gotten his quirk. A quirk he would later rename to Tempo Speed, Arata's quirk allowed him to quickly jump up to inhuman speeds that were determined by the Beats Per Minute, BPM, of a musical song. However, it slowly drains his stamina and energy when he's maintaining these incredible speeds. Even now as he trains to increase his energy and drinks copious amounts of energy drinks he's only able to hold about 257 Kilometers Per Hour for roughly ten minutes before he faints. Currently the best music that fits with his quirk is rave music.

Joining U.A.

With his father being a pro hero, Arata was always expected to follow his footsteps from other relatives and close family friends. He always felt a certain pressure to be one while he never felt an actual desire to be one. Arata was mainly fascinated in working in the music industry than he was in the hero business. However, he pushed his own dreams to the side to do what he thought would make his father proud. He was able to just barely pass the written exam for U.A. by the skin of his teeth. When the physical portion arrived he was able to pass it with flying colors. Coming in third for most bots destroyed and second with most rescue points. Arata thankfully secured himself a spot within Class 1-A. He's known to be friendly with students in and outside of his class. Typically teasing them a little or just being flirty with both genders. However, he's never continued when someone seems uncomfortable with him nor has he tried to perv on any of the students unless they've given him permission to. He's known as something of a jock given his love of physical education, working out, and training. No one's too sure about why he wants to be a hero nor are they aware of his father being a pro hero at their school.


In Middle School He Was Captain Of The Track Team.

His Hair Is Dyed. The Original Color Is Blond.

Is A Social Media E-Thot On A Hidden Account. Usually Posting Lewd Pictures Of Himself In A Mask And Wig.

Has A Mass Collection Of Stuffed Animals And Toys.

Makes Indie Music In Private And Posts It On A Alt Sound Cloud Account.