[PWYW 4$+] Lexiss Katsaros



4 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
For Trade
For Offer
$4 - $9


Name: Lexiss Katsaros (goes by Lex)
Species: Cocker Spaniel
Gender: Transmale
Age: 18
Birthday: March 27th (Aries)
Height and weight: 5'9"/175cm, 70kg/154lbs
Nationality: Greek
Voice: Young, timid male voice.

IQ (Intelligence Quotient): ~120 (High)
EQ (Emotional Quotient): ~90 (Average)
MBTI: INFP (prone to change)
Maturity: 20s
Relationship status: Single & indifferent
Orientation: Asexual Homoromantic
Occupation: Student
Known languages: Greek (native), English (fluent), French (novice)

- Coffee
- Woodland creatures
- Shoegaze music
- Warm places
- Designing characters

- Concerts
- Labels on clothes
- Sweaters

Lexiss overall seems like an outgoing, friendly and creative person. Despite being fully capable of interacting with large groups when he's at his best, he prefers to stick to small groups. His preference is neither a big group or one-on-one.

His interests seem awfully gentle in comparison to his intense, overbearing personality. He tends to be the loudest person in the room, considering his penchant for quiet locations - and he's incredibly talkative during his hypomanic episodes.

During his depressive episodes, he isolates himself without warning. The only way to talk to him during such is through online means. Despite having so little energy, he's happy to talk, seemingly far more sympathetic and kind than before, which tends to convince others that there's nothing wrong.

-  As early as kindergarten, Lex was often nicknamed Rudolph due to his  red nose. Nowadays he's extremely sensitive about having anyone call him  that, even people he trusts.
- Has undiagnosed Bipolar II Disorder.
- Very near-sighted.