[PWYW / 10$+ / LORE] Tahpenes



4 years, 10 months ago
Trade Listing
For Sale (Real Currency)
$10 - $20



Name: Tahpenes
Species: Wingbeast
Sex: Female
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 43
Birthday: February 20th (Pisces)
Height and weight: 7'2"/218cm, 101kg/223lbs
Nationality: ??? she's a bird
Voice: Timid, soft, feminine.

IQ (Intelligence Quotient): ~100 (Above average)
EQ (Emotional Quotient): ~90 (Average)
Maturity: 30s
Relationship status: Single
Orientation: Bisexual Biromantic
Occupation: Scout & Hunter
Known languages: ??? (Native), English (Intermediate)

- Water (and swimming, sometimes)
- Other birds

- Bugs
- Hot places

Quiet, softspoken, gentle. She's great at hunting down animals and other creatures, but is quite skittish around humans. She finds it difficult  to trust them, having been attacked many times.

Tahpenes lives in a world where all kinds of strange, sapient creatures inhabit the planet. Humans exist alongside them, and communities of all species seem to have a heavy tribal vibe to them.
There's human tribes, as well as actual towns, technology and architecture of which is equivalent to the medieval times. Wingbeasts are amongst the more developed creatures, right behind humans in advancement. Their feats seem quite impressive, considering their sparse population.
Wingbeasts are at an unofficial war with humans, mostly waged by various mercenaries and swordsmen for hire who seem to not be very fond of their species. It is not illegal for them to step foot (or hoof) in human villages, but the general populace very much dislikes them, and it's not unlikely to get hurt if one were to wander off on their own for too long.

Tahpenes grew up in one of the larger tribes.

The tribe of Cilthothippe is located in the mountains, with various forests below. The nearest human town is about 10 kilometers away. The closest non-human settlement is about a kilometer away, it is not wingbeasts, but primitive short green-skinned creatures, similar to goblins, who seem to like causing troubles. Their tribe is called Sqacco. They and the tribe of Cilthothippe have been enemies ever since Sqacco settled nearby and leeched off of the Cilthothippe's hard work.

Weather around the tribe is unnaturally warm. Even in winter the temperature  stays around 15 Celsius. Some claim it's thanks to a wingbeast with mystical powers, which isn't impossible, but unlikely. The tribe members enjoy telling anecdotes about the rumored sorcerer and speculating who it could be.

- If you lose a limb, you either have the option to leave the tribe or be killed. Exceptions are made for all females, and they are held in high regard due to their ability to give birth.
- Relationships in the tribe are very open. Jealousy is rare and frowned upon.
- When it's mating season and female/male partners are too scarce due to incompatible sexualities, they are forced to contribute. It's tradition, however, and many do it voluntarily.

- Agile despite her size
- Sharp teeth & acidic spit (only acidic enough to burn when touched)

- Extremely sensitive wings