Casey (Sona) (Robin)



3 years, 5 months ago

Basic Info




Name: Casey 

Pronouns: She/her 

Alias: Robin 

Age: 16-18 (Cooler Titans), 18-??? (Unnamed sbkdbf)

Height: 159 cm (3 cm smaller than damian according to sources for visualisation) 

♡ Kinda awkward 

♡ But bubbly overall 

♡ Under all the trained bat-seriousness a sensitive cancer zodiac B) 

♡ Does try to make friends, but her social skills are rather low, #ConfusingCompany 

♡ That, however, does not apply to her general skillset 

♡ 'Hell yEAHHH I jump around and Im cool' 

♡ Forgives way too easily 

♡ Not publicly associated with Bruce Wayne, more of a secret family member by her own choice 

♡ Says hi when eye contact is held for too long cause silence is awkward. Many can have 'hi' said to them over 20 times a day 

♡ Pink sheep of the family 

♡ Casey isn't actually her real name either, just another alias (this time used in teams/out of suit) to make calling "Robin" in a room of three robins a little less awkward

♡ Remains secretive with her real name otherwise, even around her family. Only Bruce knows it

♡ Always wears her red shades around people when out of disguise

♡ [ Playlist ]

♡ [ Casual wear ]

[ Cooler Titans ]

-> First time joining an actual team outside of the batfam, a little baffled by the concept of it 

-> Joined mostly as a support for her sister and team leader BlueJay, to whomst she is currently a robin, alongside her cousins Alfie, Dart, Jocie and Shrike

-> "Robin!" *Alfie, Shrike and Casey: 👀*

-> Feels extremely out of place due to her low social life as a crime fighter, eventually ends up warming up and coming out of her shell

-> [ Gallery ]


-> Now has a dog Arnie and cat Poppet