


7 years, 10 months ago


Character Name: Ki’aray


Species: Ka’tairee


Age: unknown; roughly 27


Sex: Female


Home Planet: Koros


Sexuality: Bi-sexual; semi-pan


Personality: She’s a little hard to get to know right off the bat, because she doesn’t like making small talk, especially with people she doesn’t feel are any use to her. She will strike up a rather awkward conversation with someone every once in awhile if she feels like the silence is awkward, itself. However, she’s actually rather good at keeping a conversation going, and if she knows what she’s talking about before she starts talking, you’d never know she was antisocial or more introverted than outro. She does have feelings, but she rarely expresses them, unless it’s irritation (of which she feels often). However, in regards to her irritation, it is actually rather difficult to make her actually angry. Little nit picky things can set her off into a rather pissy mood, but it usually has to do with something rather than someone


Traits: Ki’aray has a rare color pattern of purple skin, but her hair and claws are normal. She’s exceptionally good with a bow and arrow and is actually quite the seductress. She can jump relatively high and is actually a great swimmer. 

History: WIP