Walter Rein



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: Walter Rein
Birthday: 2/18
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 3"
Weight: 74 lbs

Job: Handler (Groomer)

Starter: Alice


+ Compassionate

+ Stylish

+ Confident

- Blabberish

- Cares Too Much About Appearance

- Hates Being Interrupted


- Hair-styling (Both Pokémon and Humans)

- Massaging

- Improvising


+ Styling

+ Casual Chats

+ Experimenting With Hair  


- Things Not Going According To Plan

- Pulling Things Out Of His Pokémon's Fur

- Messiness


Growing up in the Kalos region, Walter had your average kind of lifestyle. Decent parents, decent house, decent schooling. Everything was......average. Growing up, he was told it's okay to be ordinary, that there was nothing wrong with being your best. But deep down, he knew he was more. There had to be more. He couldn't just let himself become another blank face in history....right? At the start of his teenage years, he had began his venture to make something of his life, though he was unsure what he wanted to do quite yet. He found himself in the brightness of Lumiose City, the place where many people had gained their start to fame. Unfortunately, he only had enough money to get him a cheap hotel room for a few nights, meaning he needed a job. 

And frankly, that's a difficult feat to achieve in such a big city.

He started out working in restaurants, then cafes, then eventually ended up serving at a food cart. So much for the glamour of Lumiouse, right? After a few weeks of going job to job with barely making enough for the costs of the hotel, this cart may as well have been the final straw. was time to go back home..... That was the plan at least....until a run away Furfrou had made their way to him. It was covered in all sorts of dirt and grime, crumbs from other stands, and Arceus knows what else. He tried to shoo it away, but it simply stared at the food he was managing. Though he can't explain the sensation, he just suddenly felt compelled to help the creature. He very hesitantly grabbed a piece of a Lumiouse Galette and fed it. Then another piece...then another.....soon enough, the whole snack was gone. The Furfrou lingered around the stand for a while, then chose a spot to rest, well within Walter's view. He left them there as he left for closing time, trying not to think much about them.....only to find the same pokemon there the next day. And the next. And the next. It eventually became a ritual to feed them every time it was his shift. One day on his day off, he showed up with some cheap scissors, a used comb, and his hairbrush. He led the pokemon further away from the stand, and got to work on getting rid of the muck from their fur.

As disgusting as the task was, he managed to get the Furfrou nice and clean, he even managed to give a simple hairstyle to them! Satisfied with his work, he was ready to head home, only to see an old woman approach him.

"Excuse me young man, did you style that pokemon?"

".......Yeeesssss? Is there something I can help you with ma'am?"

"Could you perhaps help with my Meowth here? The poor dear got some gum in their fur, and I frankly can't get it out!" The lady said as she referred to her much annoyed cat pokemon.

Walter's eyes darted around, a million thoughts crossed his mind as he tried to plan his next move. How does one get gum out of such short fur?! He hardly understood how to help his furry friend, let one someone else's! But did she really have any other options if she was asking some stranger on the street?

"....I......I'll see what I can do ma'am...."

After a few minutes of combing and scratches, he successfully got the gum out, much to the lady's delight.

"Oh goodness! My darling looks fabulous! Here, thank you so much!"

The lady quickly handed the teen some money from her purse before she left. Walter hardly had anytime to explain that he wasn't charging her...but money was money. After a couple more similar incidents, street-styling soon because a side job, a way to get decent pocket change. Eventually he managed to land a job at a decent salon, with that first Frofrou still by his side.

He absolutely loved his job. So many interesting pokemon, so many furs and textures! He honed his craft, learning many techniques and tricks, even managing to style pokemon that had no hair! His popularity grew with the locals, he managed to make a name for himself! Sure, he wasn't heard across the entire region like a gym leader or a champion, but around his corner of Lumiose, he would get noticed by regulars, and for a few years, that was all he needed. But eventually, that familiar call had lingered in his mind. What if there was more? What if he was more? He tried to ignore such thoughts, but when news of a certain island came to his doorstep, he couldn't ignore it any longer.

While cutting the bangs of a Swinub, he had heard rumors of place that, believe it or not, had pokemon fusions! Imagine the possibilities! Insert some information digging and contracts later, he had booked himself a ticket to Nozama. Now with that same loyal Furfrou by his side (Though definitely not expecting such a sudden change to her appearance when they arrived), he now stands on the sands of the shore, wondering where life will take them next.


- Walter thinks very highly of how he appears to others. So much that he spends hours in front of the mirror to make sure he looks just right. 

- Calls everybody 'Darling'

- Though his main profession is styling, he knows very much about the care of pokemon, along with massaging (to calm down stressed or nervous pokemon before an appointment), and basic knowledge of breeding (One of his jobs was serving at a cart across from a daycare. And frankly, the owners were never quiet about their daycare-ing...)

- He is very detail-oriented.