2169 Sheev



4 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info

Mods wanted

Ravaging growth mut, maybe a shawl like acc


2169 Sheev


NAME Sheev

PRONOUNS she/they

AGE Ageless


BIOME Mountain


GP LOG Tracker

The Seer of the Mountains

An object abnormal that loves to travel and listen to the whispers of Mother Nature.


  • quiet
  • moonlight
  • nature
  • wind music


  • talkative esk
  • being tied down
  • snarling sounds
  • lizards


  • Rarely performs TFs, only makes abnormals
  • Smells of pine needles, sounds of rustling trees, voice is old and femme.
  • Contains rich dirt and pine
  • She always is around in the world.


  • 3 ghostly teal wisps enchantment
  • pine needles go around her back as a 'shawl'
  • 2 tufts of feathery cheek fur on each side (not 3, Jun)
  • no eyes, hollows instead
  • she has 1 tail that segments into 3 tufts


Silent. Wise. Perceptive



Sheev, also known as The Seer, is a quiet esk that makes little use of conversations. She is an object abnormal esk that struggles to accept their sudden sentience. She feels her sole duty is to provide clarity to the paths of others she comes across in sometimes cryptic ways. Her often alien demenour puts other esk off to her, but she doesn't really complain since she doesn't feel the need to keep friendships. However, her soul awakens little by little after meeting an esk named Monolith, after he teaches her the value of relationships. From then on she still remains rather silent and distant, but makes more connections with other esk with similar mindsets as her own. Sheev employs three ghostly teal fae lights called "The Seer's Eyes" that may help guide others to their path. Whether or not they lead to a positive path is not up to anyone, Sheev just sees fate, and you cannot change fate.

Sheev does not remember much of what she was before becoming an esk. She feels comfortable with wolves until the snarling begins. Once it begins, an unexplained fear creeps into her spirit


Before Sheev became an esk, she was a scrying mirror of a witch that lived in the mountain long, long ago. The witch lived in a secluded hut surrounded by the nature she loved, the pine trees, the moss. She was secreative due to her focus in scrying. She eventually was known as "The Seer of the Mountains" and many have saught her out for her skills. She was difficult to find though, and the wolves were frequent visitors.

On a night with the moon high above, the witch preformed her scry. Often she would try to peer into her own life and that of the world around her. But this time, she went too far. Her final scry did not bode well, and she ran out into the forest she called home in a delierious panic. The wolves she once thought companions, snarled and growled. Her faithful mirror, cast into the woods as she ran to safety, left to become one with the earth. Until, one day, a spirit rose from the mirror.


Monolith Friend

A regal esk Sheev met early on in her travels. He helps her see that relationships can be meaningful and aren't a bad thing. She has given the Kingly esk some cryptic advice before, which he still mulls over. She doesn't quite understand his need to govern over his mountainside quarry, despite numerious conversations about it. Monolith sees Sheev as a mysterious, but confusing, friend. From all the esk he has met, she is the most ailen and is sometimes hard to talk to. He often wonders if she is listening to him sometimes due to how silent she can be, but she is listening. Pondering. Seeing.

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Selene Close friend

Ah, a welcome sight for both esks. Sheev met Selene on an extended visit to the arid region after hearing rumors of other spiritual esk inhabiting the biome. She was striken by the sky on top of her mesa, a beautiful sight. Both enjoy exchanging words, even if slim. Sheev enjoys listening to Selene reading the stars and providing advice to other traveling esk for there is much to learn. Eventually their visits dwindle down, often with Sheev seeking her out to warn her about something, usually in her cryptic ways. Despite the brief and dwindling visits, Selene still holds a warm flame from seeing her friend.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc aliquet mollis mauris ut consequat. Duis ut enim neque. Ut at enim ut ante iaculis fringilla a id sapien. Curabitur consequat neque elit, a placerat magna pretium at. Vivamus pulvinar leo enim, ut tempus ligula porttitor gravida. Vestibulum eget posuere massa, ac vehicula nunc.