


7 years, 10 months ago


Super short amazing description: my daughter

Full name: Krystal Marie Andraste

Age: 22

Ethnicity: White

Gender: Female

Orientation: bisexual 

Height: 5'3

Body type: Average

 Misc.: Bipolar Depression. Has an affinity for psychic prowess. Chronic nightmares.

Likes: Cats, sweets but cakes specifically, pink and purple, being pampered, getting what she wants, affection and attention from her favs, intimacy

Dislikes: Responsibility, nightmares, condescension, her family ties, violence

Character backstory: Krystal can be a bit of an emotional rollercoaster and is very impulsive, but she is a tough cookie. She's quite introverted and doesn't usually go out of her way to make friends or be outgoing, but her best self comes out when she has people to love. Unfortunately hard to catch smiling or looking cheery. Most take her broodiness for pretentiousness, but she really thinks quite low of herself. Her self confidence rides a constant elevator up and down. She is rather book smart, but she is very quick to make choices based on emotional impulses, which often hides that fact. Has a problem with picking fights where she definitely shouldn't. Despite her own mental hardships, Krystal can be extremely loving and loyal if someone manages to break down her walls. (But you'll probably have to mother her a bit.) When dating Jet and Risk, she's very clingy to both and worries easily about them. Both of her parents and her family home were lost to a suspicious fire.

Suggested Listening: