
Basic Info







Keanu is a very imaginative young Shadow Flit. He enjoys inventing new games for him and his friends to play, though these games tend to end in disaster. An example was when he and Flint pretended to be bears, and poked a bee hive. The game ended with the obvious result: dozens of bee stings. Despite his good intentions (he just wants to have fun with his friends), Keanu gets in trouble for his failed games quite a lot. After the bee incident, he was grounded for a week. (Not that he could have moved anyways; those bee stings were painful!)

In his spare time, Keanu enjoys reading magazines, especially if those magazines discuss conspiracy theories or space. He's really not in to any other kind of reading; if it's not a magazine, he's not interested. Keanu has mountains of old magazines stashed under his bed. He's a bit of a hoarder, but only when it comes to magazines. ("It's in a perfectly perfect condition! Why would I throw it out?")

One of Keanu's quirks is that he tends to use repetitive adjectives. For example, if it's a bright, sunny day, he might describe the weather as "brightly bright" and "sunnily sunny." It gets on the nerves of the older Flitz, but his friends don't seem to mind.

Keanu enjoys exploring and discovering new things as well. This leads him to spend a lot of time in his backyard, digging holes to discover new bugs, rocks, and sticks that really aren't dinosaur bones. Field trips are his absolute favorite part of school, especially the sneaking off and avoiding the chaperone the entire time part. Adult supervision is overrated, in his opinion.

Keanu has many other ways of rebelling against authority besides hiding from annoying chaperones. Hiding whiteboard markers and stashing the entire classroom paper supply in his desk as two of his favorites. If something goes suspiciously wrong in the classroom, everyone (correctly) blames Keanu.