Samantha Reggen



4 years, 9 months ago


Samantha Reggen

Age: 21
Pronouns: She/Her
Height: 5"4'

Occupation: Full time student
Major: Political science
Likes: Spicy noodles, on the bitter side coffee, meeting new people, small parties or hang outs
dislikes: Closed minded people, the coke vs pepsi debate (clearly coke is the winner in her heart), her father

Her dad was one of the major generals belonging to a grand army of demons. Though he has lost the war, he remains rather stubborn and stuck in his old ways. His mind closed off to the possibilities of humans and demons living amongst each other. His daughter seeks to continue this period of peace, seeing everyone as equal. Though she is only 21, she has big plans for her future. She wants to be an ambassador of peace.
She used to have a brother but unfortunately he went MIA during the last year of the war. The only object of his left behind was this hat that she wears.