Shin Rosemary



4 years, 10 months ago


Name Shin Rosemary

Gender Male

Species Centicorn

Age 20-something

Orentation Pansexual

Aesthetic Ouji Kei

Free-Willed  Analytical  Curious

Shin Rosemary, a rich kid from Atala who runs away from home to seek freedom and adventure and the like... truth is, he doesn't really know what he wants... but one thing he knows he doesn't want is the shenanigans of a cagey spinxyn he meets...


Erutan Secret Library Daguerreo
Loreena McKennitt Mummers' Dance
OMNIFee Ra Huri


From a very young age, Shin was groomed in the graces of upper class society, in order to one day slide easily into the life his parents had built around their logistics business that specialized in horticulture transport and storage detail. This resulted in the family having a small garden (mostly for photo-ops and public optics), where Shin often found himself whenever he could escape his dozens of classes. He taught himself to sketch and began exploring the grounds of his home to find more and more floura to draw. Shin also gripped tightly to any bit of culture from outside his sheltered bubble, much to his parents' dismay. Shin was frequently harshly punished for any Harpip music or Spinxyn literature he managed not to hide well enough.

Eventually, when his parents refused to loosen their grip with his advancing age, Shin took matters into his own hands. Knowing full well that he had no real knowledge of the outside world, Shin packed a bag and fled the grounds, wandering about a day before he found himself drenched and afraid at the doorstep of Reece, who ran a rest-stop/inn.

Altough initially nervous around the resident Spinxyn there, Shin settled into a routine of helping Reece with her gardening and goods transport. He enjoyed helping out so much that he petitioned Reece for an apprenticeship, to which she whole-heartedly agreed. He now lives with Reece and Fish and helps with inn/garden duties as well as transporting goods to the city of Land's End nearby.


When in public view, Shin is very careful to uphold his polite demeanor. Many, especially Spinxyn and Harpips can see his behavior as stuffy at best and snooty at worst. However, he genuinely doesn't think he's better than anyone else, but cannot help but maintain the manners he was trained in childhood.

Regardless of his position, in public or not, Shin is ridiculously easy to frighten, much to the delight of some Nephfeians, during which he loses all manners and tends to squeak in surprise.

Although sheltered, Shin is aware of his naivety, and is trying his best to learn all he can about living normally. Despite this, there are those who attempt to take advantage of his lack of knowledge. When this happens, he seems pretty taken aback at either the correction or the very idea that someone would purposefully try to mislead him.

He tries hard to be an optimist about Nephfei and its denizens, mostly because he's seen a lot of what he considers to be the worst in the home he escaped from.

When engaged in reading, drawin, or gardening, Shin becomes quite closed off to the world at large, zoning out and gazing at or through the object of his fascination with absolute wonder. Gods forbid a familiar individual ask him about his knowledge, for then and nearly only then will he drop all pretext and spout his amazement in a tornado of words.

Etc. Info ^-^

drawing | the smell of books | plants
Spinxyn and Nephfei music | cooking
adventure (in theory)
dressing "pretty"

fancy parties | business meetings
fixing his hair | pranks

Dreams: freedom, peace
Fears: erratic Spinxyn, darkness, the ocean
Habits: gazing wistfully at mundane nature, fidgets fingers when nervous, taps hooves when bored
Manners: speaks formally and acts politely, even to familiar individuals and in casual situations

Talents: quick learner, retains information well
Skills: upper class social education, calligraphy, taught self nature sketching, learning horticulture from Reece
Ability: average Centicorn stats; has more lithe build, so better at speed than strength, but still far stronger than the average Spinxyn
Occupation: apprentice gardener/farmer
Criminal Records: none, but feels like he has one due to his family's disdain for his lifestyle

Centicorn Magic - uses frequently, as needed, for mundane need

attention to detail | learns quickly
social charm | easily amused | full of wonder

easily scared/startled | sheltered/naive
unknowledgeable about Nephfei life
hesitant to truly open up emotionally


Name: Fish
Relationship: friend, house-mates, fellow employee


Name: Reece
Relationship: Master to his Apprenticeship