50kFC's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

WhimsySnailBunny Global Rules

If you receive a free character from me, please gain at least one art piece before trading or selling. 

If you bought a character from me, please do not sell it for more than its worth, it can be traded or sold for the original price, unless more art is gain. 

If you traded for a character from me, you can trade it or sell it, but please gain more art before selling it since you gotten from an art/ character trade. 

Please DO NOT delete any characters I have created off of Toyhouse. 

You can tweak/ alter the design, but please do not change it to the point the character looks nothing like original. 

You, of course, can use the design(s) you get from me in any way you like. You can add them into your stories, art projects, merch, and the such (you have my full permission to use the design for commercial use). BUT, PLEASE TO DO NOT USE MY ART OR THE ART FROM OTHER ARTISTS IN A COMMERCIAL WAY! Art being using in a commercial way must either be done by you or an artist that has given full permission to use their art in that manner. 

Please make sure to save images of the characters you get from me! I usually delete the images off of my laptop and may not have them uploaded anywhere else.