Arwin Puri



4 years, 10 months ago


My oc from the Caribeld species Base was provided per site and artist.

To the Species: (l

a Caribeld is a chimeric creature, either having been grown in a lab or produced naturally.
Their primary genetic markers were taken from hyenas, several species of hawk, and a dash of draconic DNA to act as the metaphorical glue. The first viable Caribeld was Ignaelesce S01P, who had been created through illegal genetic experimentation and freed during a raid on the facility, by a local group of radical environmentalists. Observation post-raid  proved that she was sentient, and local governing bodies deemed that, as a sentient creature, she had the same rights as any other non-human at a similar level of intelligence.  Iggy, as she preferred to be called, proved fertile against all odds, and, as it became apparent that she was not to  be a one-and-done deal, a few scientists interested in her makeup requested a sample of her genetic material- a simple, inoffensive cheek swab. Iggy complied, as she saw no harm in doing so, and after seeking approval through proper channels, the scientists took to the lab to create a few more in the hopes of solving the riddle that is Iggy. A few months later, the second generation of lab-born Caribelds were ready to be reared. That was nearly a decade back, and since then, caribelds have become a slightly more common sight on the streets (and in the few remaining wild places outside city borders). 


      Caribelds can be found in both urban and rural environments, though  social structures vary between the two groups. Some individuals take  more naturally to one lifestyle than the other, but as highly adaptable  and intelligent creatures, any Caribeld can thrive under nearly any  circumstance.

    Caribelds  that live within city borders are more likely to attempt to assimilate  with local, modern culture. They own businesses, their children attend  school, and they follow and respect the majority of social convention-  even when they don’t understand it. Amongst themselves and at home they  will shed many of the arbitrary and bewildering aspects of modern  living, but most are relatively competent at blending in and making nice  with other species. Some may take mates outside of the species, as is  clearly evident in the existence of hybrid Caribelds.

    Caribelds  who do not live under the yoke of civilized society tend to be more  feral in nature, though as with all things, there are and always will be  exceptions. Some choose to live close to the earth, in more rustic  lifestyles, and there are even those that choose to eschew all the  shreds of civilization and live as half-wild things among nature,  interacting with the rest of the world as little as possible. They are  no less intelligent than their more socially acceptable brethren, but it  would be difficult for anyone to guess so beneath the wild exterior.  Careful, they do bite.

    In  the wilds, the standard Caribeld tends to prefer heavily forested  areas, warmer climes, and hilly areas. Those with thicker coats do  meander into mountainous regions, where they can feel more comfortable.  Most caribelds maintain a territory, the size of which depends largely  on the number of them in a pack, and this is true even for those that  live in urban environments. Some are as small as just two or three  square miles, while larger territories can be nearly thirty.

    Rare  is the sight of the suburban Caribeld. The quiet, in-between lifestyle  is rarely for them, lacking the convenience and liveliness of the city,  or the freedom that can be found tending literal greener pastures.

Social Structure and Communication

      Caribelds, as a new species to the face of the world, are still  developing a culture of their own. Each additional generation builds on  the foundations laid for them by the one before, and their social  structure and culture grows more sophisticated with every successive  one. Many things that are apparent and instinctive to other species,  like social graces, mores, and practices, are completely foreign to a  species that is still so closely rooted in the animalistic genetic soup  that they were created from, and these must be learned, taught, and  altered to fit their own needs.

      Male Caribelds outnumber females three to one, and as such, must  compete for the attention of prospective mates should they wish to pass  on their genetic material. As female Caribelds are significantly  stronger than males, they can certainly afford to be choosy. Most  females, rather than taking a single mate, will instead select a group  of 3-5 males that they find pleasing. As female Caribelds are incredibly  fertile and can have large numbers of children at one time, this many  mates is often necessary simply to ensure the successful rearing of  young. It takes a village to raise a family- or a harem.

      There are also known instances of pairs of females sharing a harem- in  some cases these are sisters with a shared interest, two females who  could not best one another in the selecting of prospective mates, or  simply lovers still ruled by a genetic impulse to reproduce in the same  fashion as the rest of their species. Single, unattached Caribelds do  exist, as do those who are not compelled to breed, but the majority of  these blend in with regular society rather than attempting to fit in  with others of their kind.

      Many male Caribelds will bond with the other members of the harem, as  the female must divide her attention between all of her mates, and does  not always (or usually) do so in an equal fashion. Everyone has  favorites, and a Caribeld simply does not take naturally to the sort of  pretension that would make them pretend otherwise.

      Caribelds are capable of speaking many of the same languages as other  sentient races, though, due to the structure of their vocal cords and  muzzles, often have a growl-like accent. Tone and body posture cue into  conversation, as does one’s scent. When not speaking a common tongue,  they use barks, shrieks, grumbles, burps, chirps, and whistles to get  their point across. Almost every caribeld is a hand-talker, and they can  swing their arms quiet enthusiastically without meaning to; this is  thought to be a result of their poor eyesight when up close, as gestures  become smaller and more nuanced when they speak at around twenty feet  apart. Similarly, Caribelds who have lived most of their life with  access to vision-correcting devices like eyeglasses, also use smaller  and more subtle gestures, and can have a larger range of facial  expression.

      This acute attunement to tone and body language is a huge boon for  Caribelds dealing with other species, as well, granting them an ability  pick up on many of the hidden feelings and motives of others, and giving  them an edge in negotiating social situations they otherwise have  little patience or care for. This makes Caribelds especially shrewd in  business, when they set their minds to it.

Basic Anatomy

      Caribelds are a short, sturdy species of furred-and-feathered  humanoids. They are warm-blooded, and have mammal-like traits, including  the ability to produce milk for their young, though they also lay eggs.  

      Females, which make up about 25% of the population, average between  1.33-1.6 meters (4’-5’3”) and weigh around 104-113.4 kg (230-250 lbs).  Their coloration tends to be darker, with fewer light accents. Their  hands are more thickly webbed, which allows for less movement but far  sturdier strikes to prey, as well as being better suited for digging up  roots. They have larger hind dewclaws, the better to climb with. Males,  on the other hand, are smaller- only about 1.25-1.5 meters (3’9”-4’6”),  and weigh 90-105 kgs (198-230 lbs.) Coloration tends towards the  lighter, with more vibrant pops of colors, usually blues, greens, and  reds. Their wings also tend to be more proportionate to their bodies,  enabling them to glide short distances. Their manes and tusks are  usually smaller, though their longer, thinner tails are prehensile. Both  genders are well-muscled and their bones are dense; females develop  breasts about a month after laying their eggs, but are otherwise  flat-chested.

      Caribelds are omnivorous, and have teeth similar to those of hyenas,  with the peculiar addition of tusks. Their eyes are well-suited for  seeing great distances during the day, though tend to be  less-than-helpful within twenty feet or so off the end of their noses.  There is a nictating membrane that protects the eyes from irritatnts.  Curiously, they also seem to lack a firm sense of object permanence;  coupling this, their eyesight, and the tendency to drop smaller objects  on accident, their dens tend towards messier. The lack of near-sight can  be corrected with reading lenses and the like. Their other senses come  into play in closer ranges. When it comes to scent, they are quite keen;  they can recognize pack members or others with ease. There are scent  glands located in the cheeks, and between the eyes; rubbing these  locations, and the base of the ears is known to have a calming effect,  and may induce a state of euphoria. Most of them also have exceptional  hearing, and can pick up a much wider range than humans- some of their  communications happen to be subvocal- and they can pinpoint the source  of a noise quite easily.

     Fun fact: They go wall-eyed when they lick things.

  Caribelds enter into estrus primarily during early summer, usually  shortly after the yearly molt. Estrus lasts about a week, during which,  the females put out a pheromone that attracts males. Male Caribelds will  perform mating dances to show off their physical prowess, plumage, and  creativity. Even among those who are already part of a female’s group  feel this urge, and those outside of it can sometimes be found flocked  to a female, attempting to impress.

      After mating, a female will build a trashnest to lay her eggs in. They  aren’t particularly picky about nesting materials- shredded blankets,  sometimes cardboard boxes, shed feathers, and other such things are  frequently found. Two to six ovular eggs, each around 10 cm (~4 in) are  laid after a few days, and males take turns tending the nests. Any given  clutch may contain offspring from multiple fathers These are usually in  soft colors, though the exact hue may vary depending on the mother’s  diet. These eggs take from 48-54 days to hatch, and are turned around  every twelve hours. Female Caribelds begin to produce milk around thirty  days after laying their eggs, and will sometimes take over sitting with  the eggs, particularly when the young begin to peep.

      When Caribelds hatch, they are quite vulnerable, with their eyes and  ears shut. In order to break their shells, they have little spurs on  their feet, which fall off shortly thereafter. They have short, soft  fur, and down ruffs; their markings and coloration become more apparent  as they age. It is rare for a caribeld to assist hatchlings as they free  themselves, and the mother may disown or even kill cubs that do not  measure up in one way or another. Their eyes and ears open up over the  course of their first month of life; most have deep blue eyes that will  change in hue as they grow. Cubs will nurse for up to a year, growing in  their milk teeth around nine or ten months.

      After that, the first growth spurt begins around age five, and will  continue until they reach sexual maturity at approximately fifteen years  of age. Most mother Caribelds will chase off female cubs around this  age- though some might simply house them elsewhere- as they will begin  to challenge them. Male cubs tend to linger a while longer, until they  form bachelor packs of their own. Growth will continue well into their  thirties, and cease somewhere around forty. Lab-grown Caribelds will  mature more quickly, and tend to live longer due to their tailored  genome.

      Of particular interest, Caribelds seem to be quite capable of  hybridization. It is theorized that this comes from the draconic DNA  they carry. Hybrid clutches tend to have fewer cubs, but slightly larger  eggs, and cubs may have slightly slower development than that of  purebred Caribelds. If a hybrid Caribeld can breed, it may become a  subspecies in and of itself.

Old age for most caribelds  is around 125 years of age, past which point, they tend to age  rapidly. Lab-grown and caribelds of particularly sturdy stock have the  potential to live well into their two-hundreds. Fur around the muzzle  will grey, or even begin to fleck white, feathers will dull. Teeth and  tusks may be lost, and each successive molt tends to leave them a little  more bald than before. When they sense the time coming, most will leave  behind their packs and seek out isolated locations, either out in the  wilds or less-traveled paths in towns and cities. Particularly closely  bonded mates often die together or within a month at the most.


He was born in the mountain areas and had his territory with family as a horrible incident occured. While the small family had human contact, it was a big betrayel as one of them began to hunt and kill. Arwin beeing among them to flee at a younger age (around teen) and stumbled into a training Valerie. With support, she managed to save a few and stopped the evildoer. As a young Arwin who watched the murder of his family along  with 2 older ones couldn´t mov, Val softly engaged and got him away from the sight. While trying to talk, chittering and communicating. one thing helped.. She hugged him and he cried. Instead of later following his siblings in seek of a new territorty, he stayed with Valerie. Feeling safer with her and wanting to feel "normal". 

Lives later with her, get´s glasses and learn´s alongside.
With a lil time, he later moves to the mountain area after accompaning her to the family. Decides to live with her grandpa Vadehra.