Eranar [The Last Dragonborn]



5 years, 1 month ago


The Last Dragonborn

Name: Eranar

Pronouns: He/Him
171 years (looks much younger)

Date of Birth: 10th of Sun's Dusk 4E 30
High elf
6'8" / 203 cm

Arrion (father), Nenarie (mother)
Erlian (twin brother, deceased)
Significant Other:
Teldryn Sero (boyfriend and later husband)
Other relatives:
Falador (great-uncle)
Other relations: Marcurio (friend), Cicero (friend)

Occupation/Class: Healer (former), Assassin, Nightblade
One-Handed swords, Alteration magic

Birthsign: the Atronach
Active in:


Eranar is calm, serious and takes things literally. He tries to keep an image of a calm and collected mer but in reality he is stressed out, depressed and somewhat overwhelmed by the events of his life. He becomes easily frustrated when things don't go his way but he calms down fast. He wears Dark Brotherhood armor, lavender warpaint and a dark cape with an image of a red eagle on it. He also carries the Dawnbreaker, given to him by the Deadric Prince Meridia. Eranar is fascinated by bees and books of all kind.


Eranar and his twin brother were born after the Oblivion Crisis in Cyrodiil where he lived with his parents and great-uncle. Despite his parents moving out of Summerset Isles before the Oblivion Crisis to escape the pressures living in a high elf society they still did their best to keep a respected image. Eranar's great-uncle was the odd one of the family and had left Summerset Isles much earlier than his nephew, Eranar father, and was much more relaxed and often would try to influence his newphew to not put too much pressure on Eranar and Erlian. Eranar and Erlian both loved their great-uncle for being calm and less strict. Falador would ofter tell them stories about his adventuring days which sparked the interest in adventuring in Eranar. Eranar was young when his great-uncle would disappear after leaving the family home to search for someone he had left in Vvardenfell. After Falador was gone the home life in Eranar's home got more strict, making Eranar and Erlian feel like Falador had abandoned them. They were pressured to study Restoration magic to become healers, even tho both of their minds were in traveling the world and dangerous adventuring. Eranar and his twin would often secretly explore the nearby woods and learn spells just to prank others to make their life less dull. When they were getting older, Eranar started to take his studies more serious but Erlian never did. Eranar and Erlian had barely bacome adults when Erlian would too be gone. He had asked Eranar to come explore some Aylied ruins he has stumbled upon. Eranar refused and Erlian left alone, never to be seen again. Eranar joined a search party to try to find his twin in the ruins when they found a recently collapsed ceiling with a piece of Erlian's robe poking out of the rubble. It was too dangerous to try to clear the rubble and it was assumed that Erlian had perished in a freak accident while exploring. Eranar would carry the guilt caused by Erlian's death for the rest of his life.

Many years later Eranar had become a full-time healer and his parents have started to pressure him to get married and continue the bloodline. Eranar was not fond of the idea one bit and started moving around Cyrodiil to try to find his own place to live. He never felt home anywhere and to try to escape his parents and the pressure he left for Skyrim. He started to paint his paint in warpaint in memory of his brother. He and Erlian had once painted their faces the same way as a joke but were caught by their furious father later. As Eranar reached the border he stumbled upon a Stormcloack camp and the same second an Imperial patrol ambushed the camp. Eranar was mistaken for someone working with the Stormcloaks and was taken to Helgen to be executed. He managed to escape when Alduin attacked the town. After that he started adventuring like he had always dreamed and later was recognized as the Dragonborn. He would befriend Marcurio from Riften and for months traveled with him but later they would travel their own paths. Eranar joined the College of Winterhold but soon grew bored and found himself joining the Dark Brotherhood. Later Eranar would defeat Alduin and built a manor near Falkreath where he hired a steward. He during this time he found an abandoned dog in the wilderness, who he found out was called Meeko. Eranar decided to keep the poor animal which would keep company to Eranar's steward, Rayya, in the manor. Eranar would later travel to Solstheim where he met Teldryn Sero and hired him to help him on his travels. Eranar didn't stay in Solstheim for long and left to Skyrim with Teldryn where they got to know each other and much later would fall in love. At some point they decided to return to Solstheim where Eranar finally learned about an altmer hermit living with rieklings and went to investigate. After surprising the hermit and getting a good beating from the uncannily strong hermit mage the both recognised each other. Eranar had found his long-lost great-uncle Falador. After this Falador would once again be a part of Eranar's life and would even move to Skyrim to live closer to him. Eranar and Teldryn held their wedding in Solstheim, Raven Rock and Falador would become Eranar's mentor and fatherly figure.