Riley ♡



4 years, 9 months ago


Name: RY 2000. (robotic model name)
Nickname(s): Riley (given by her military aquaintences), R.,

Gender: N/A (She/her pronouns)
Species: Robot.

Occupation: Private first class. (aka she's part of the military)

Riley is a commissioned military robot, created to see if robots were more efficeint in the times of war, so that there could be less human lives lost in battle. Though, one night in the middle of battle, Riley became greatly injured and deactivated herself automatically. Her team had to soon retreat away from the fight and she was left behind..

Then about 20 years later, Riley had reactivated for reasons unknown. Plants grew around her body over time, which limits her movement. Her right eye was broken, her face scarred and most of her "skin" deteriorated. She was very damaged. Riley also became confused as a majority of her systems weren't working properly and she couldn't identify where she was. Heck- She could barely remember who she was. that's how badly damaged she was.

When Riley was back at her base of operations, before her incident, she didn't have much of a personality. (cuz she's a robot n all) All she really cared about was fighting for her people, and following every command she was told. But now that she's broken, she's sort of gained a few emotions. Riley's very confused and lost- not knowing where or why she's in the midst of a past battle is really making her overthink. She's also learned what 'fear' is, as she's unsure of what's going on.

Fun facts:
*She [was] specialized in multiple types of guns. mainly rifles, pistols, and machine guns.
*She can't see out of her right eye. (which causes her vision to be quite "glitchy")
*She partially discovered who she was by finding her dog tag and badges in her pockets.