Benny's Comments

Hey there, its me again, ya boi-

My stuff hasnt changed all that much, but this really is a cutie

its alr if nothing gets your goat(ha) this time, just wanted to try

LOL i love that HVKVGR is there anything off limits? :O 

Mostly folks in the dnd folder/tagged with it, alto, heeby, hoodred, blank, dr munchias(tent), there are so many in my anthros folder i think the only true hard no's are gummy snake, emil and my new selkie, there are many in my clowns(confetti, luan, dandelion, karrd and ballistic, might let go of giocoliere tho), aaaand i think anyone in the ufo/sale folder is free game/wont say no?

(lol need to tag some of them with dnd even though i cant sort them into dnd, yet.

okay, gotcha!! i liked these guys if you're comfortable trading any, no worries if not c:

I could do fou du roi and or dazzle if ye want, would like to keep pop'n a bit longer XD

haha totally fair!! ill take fou du roi if thats cool with you :D also i hope its okay if i ask, would you consider offers on at all separately? i showed them to my gf and she adores them lol. totally okay if not!

9 Replies

not offering, but UGH i love this guy!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 what a cutie!!

ikr, thank you!! i just got him, super excited to draw him :D

HELLAAAAAAA I CANT WAIT TO SEE!! ill definitely keep my eye

I can offer ocs from either of these folders if you see anything you like! 

thanks for considering c:

Ooo I could possibly do this baby if your willing! ^^

yeah absolutely!! I’ll transfer them over now! c:

Tysm! :D I hope u have a safe day/night! ^^

Thank you so much, you too!! c:

I would love to pair him up with my partners OC Percy!

Since Percy is a fashion designer, I am conceptualizing Benny (I would probably keep the name since it's very cute <3) as his go to model for his designs, who enjoys putting himself out there as a body positive influence and who thrives on the free goodies and attention. They foster an online persona which is a bit over the top and fluffy, but behind the scenes they tend to actually be a bit of a soft spoken homebody, though he does enjoy getting dressed up for the camera.

They'd also slot into the existing friendships we have built into this world we're making, with some of our other OCs <3

Either way I love the design and colour palette and they're really fun to look at!

If I got this boy I'd like him to own a bakery and maybe even have a goth girlfriend so they're an opposite aesthetic couple (actually I think I already have a girl I could pair him up with), he would wear soft pastel coloured clothes (of course), be very kind, friendly and supportive, might hang out with some of my more social ocs and I would draw him drinking hot cocoa and such, depending on how he looks in my style I might even give him the opposite and gloom personality and give my goth oc a bubbly and sweet personality heheh

I would use the character to own an ice cream parlor