Zackury S. Altaran



4 years, 10 months ago


A Moloki (ancient Hunter) and former friends with Duraine and Brian before the "Nightmare" cursed them and split them up. 

An excellent hunter, seeker and fighter.

With his species (Moloki) belonging to one of the ancient 7 Bloodline and proud of it as well.
Altaran Bloodline (his uncle is Nathan (the Nightmare)
Shaun Altaran (the first) who s twins "Jack and Chao" had kids of their own.
Chao ´s children: Altaran, Nathan and Balina (Balina is the mother of Zackury)
Chao in history had slept with the Guardians mother (basically cheating on his own wife), making Nathan, Altaran and Balina step siblings of the Guardian A.

Used to be friends with Brian and Duraine back in the old days and was a pretty good seeker when the boys played.

While things looked good and he was having his "Awakening" of powers from the Moloki, returning back to the group just as Nightmare had struck, getting them all in one  and "cursing" them.
Both his arms are cursed with the mark (not the left one as it s partly gone)  and since his "uncle" didn´t care much for the family, was curious to see what curse the powers would mix with his own kind.

Is a type of "Ancient police and Seeker" wearing official clothings and all of Fabula know not to mess with him.
Police and alike have to respect when he arrives as he has access to alot of things.

Serious and stern when in his  "work mode" as some are not sure why he stands at times.
As a Moloki, barely need´s to sleep (does eat more when not sleeping) and is on high alert.
Can sense magic and flow of it nearby and can even recall a flow or when magic is used. Once spotted and taken in, can locate at any time. Imagine  like a tracker. Once on, never can get loose. He will follow if hunting you.
Magic that is stronger than a Moloki will get you on a watch target (as they do NOT appreciate beeing downed by others). But other than a normal Moloki, Zackury is a fighter and not one to back away from a fight. Usually Moloki are hella strong on defense, traps and healing and super weak in battle (cowards and no idea how best, since most lie to dicieve) But Zackury is not backer as he will stand to fight what he has "hunted"

Senses certain magic flows and can detect if seen/Spotted/read or felt before. Can easily recall said magic or it´s user.
He can teleport to anywhere he has been before. Fast in motion, swift and agile.
Zackury is a very good strategist and planer and his traps do usually most of the work. 

Can NOT hold his alcohol and get´s very easily drunk (he usually avoids drinking and prefers sodas or tea)
When drunk, shows his real self, chippy, happy and flirty. Can sing a song and chime others in. Can NOT sense or use his powers when drunk. 

Once ate a Blukaria Pie and got drunk as it contained alchohol. 

A Guardian once made a deal with him that if he brought "the cursed ones" to them, that his own "curse" would be healed. Which he plans on doing.

Elliot and him have a "rival" type. (Elliot often mistakes him as Dorian due to similarities and bond) since Zackurys real personality was once like that (fun, cocky, charming, undefeatable)

-Lost his left arm in battle
-Not once had cut his hair (not even in childhood)
-can float/hover/fly if needed
-later loses his right eye after protecting a human he fell in love with (way later in story)
-can let any weapon of his choice appear through his new arm (and powers)
