Lakh's Comments

Hi there, Jampoint! I'm one of the other members of the "Troupe," in one of the images for your character.

I wanted to see if you like RP'ing, because I feel pretty connected to Madhu (my member in the Troupe), and hope to keep the Troupe alive even after they've been separated from Xefer.

If not, that's completely fine, but if you ever start to drift from him, is it alright if I'm notified if he ever goes up for offer/grabs?

Apologies for this sudden comment, I just hope to have some wholesome moments with the Troupe, and probably even have a new friend. Either way, I hope you have a good day. ^^

Hey Glistening Light!
I actually am interested in learning more about this character and what prior connections they've had. I wouldn't mind the RP bit, just I need a lot more context.
Discord is Jampoint

Hey again Xefera!
May I adopt this character?

Sure thing!! I'll send them right away!