Makenzie Jaqueline Graves



4 years, 9 months ago


This is my 'sona! I've had him as 'Myself' for over 15 years and is a good representation of myself in a fictional manner. I roleplay him a lot, usually the first character I use too - It's easier to be your own personal character online and in conversation.

He's usually in his Plague Doctor Guise but is just as often be his huge, monstrous true form, a Ravenlorde.

Fast Facts:

  • His full name is found as follows:
    "Makenzie "Trip" Jaqueline Graves." 
  • His Species referred to as:
    Ravenlorde or 'Nephilim' - But he loves to Shapeshift quite a bit. His feather colors and scars give him away often however.
  • Despite his preference to be called "Trip," or "Jackie," Family and Friends call him Jeremiah or "Jere" too, a secret pseudonym to his benefit when interacting with other beings.
  • Other Nicknames include:
    Tripod, Raven, Puppy, Master, Goddess (To a few) Jackie and (Comically!) Love Bug
  • He gained four or five of these nicknames because of what his friends would call him on any given plane of existence. Such as his own humorous "Dancing Dreamer Disasterpiece" when feeling particularly facetious in his greetings (Calling him DDD when he pulls this is considered clever, as a result, he will likely take interest in the individual's cognition and Intelligence. This opens doors for them.)
  • Plague Doctor by day, Predator by night.
  •  "Kawaii on the streets, Senpai in the sheets"
  • Quite a Gentleman in the respect of being a HOPELESS Romantic! <3
  • While once have been a mortal, Tripod has no link to any part of his past at all. His soul from Limbo is almost a new incarnation entirely, based on a self-imposed 'Delirium' and a desire to stay away from human-caused disasters - To themselves.
  • As such, he may also be noted to have little or no memory whatsoever of the lives he'd overcome. In essence, eternal heaven for him as per ignorance. Another note to that - He only knows of one parent, the void of chaos and Madness hidden in Limbo.
  • Despite being polite, genial and benign - By no means is he benevolent to most humans, they are cattle. Only a few catch his eye, soothe wounds, or draw him to empathy. Rare, but extraordinary.
  • This is thought to be an 'evolution' into his predatory self, aka "Do not love your prey, because it will hurt later. But still care for them, lest you become prey yourself."
  • He's missing or has scarred areas up to a third of his body after swapping wounds for his emotional numbness. That is to say, it alarmed him when his pain began to die - He didn't want to get cold or cruel. He traded the necessary parts of the bargain. He's lost an arm and part of a leg, but he can hover. A nice crescent bite leaving his arm taken entirely and good hard scarring to his throat and left face. The rest, scars.
  • In full, this was also a hidden sort of humor - He paid an arm and a leg! (Common, with any paid service!)
  • He tends to find himself attractive in a rare paradoxical way - It does not make him feel as if others see him this way. While never a narcist, he's also never really been treated to feel differently. When agitated or pinned, it will cause him to become touchy, going from there is a time bomb, and soon, violence.
  • He's actually a "Male-Herm," but can respond to His/He Pronouns best. Sometimes he'll goof off and change his physical gender as he sees fit.
  • Quick-Shot Stats:
    Call - "Trip"
    Height and Weight - Varies greatly!
    Age - Ageless, passing between realms does this.
    Gender - Often 'Male.'
    Preference - Pansexual, often Demi Sexual.
    Favorite foods of all - Salmon and fresh Liver
    Favorite Music - Metal, Darkwave, Chantry
    Favorite Movies - That's quite a tie! Waking Life, Halloween, Terminator 2, Free Willy.
    Favorite scent - Moonflower and Lavender.
    Merits - Extremely well known for a level of patience awarded to those who need help, and
    family. His 'madness' gives him an ability to exercise paranormal and unbelievable cognition, seeing auras and hearing unspoken words.
    Flaws - Extremely excitable, never comes out of his schizophrenic, traumatized and even extreme OCD mental state. Of which he likens to still being better than numb and unfeeling.
    Secrets - Likes to be treated affectionately, even if this is generally not his normal behavior. He does not like it to be sudden though, becoming violent quickly, lashing out, and removing flesh from his source of surprise or fear.
    Mates and Loves - Xelion and Havoc, (Gender Flipping Lightning Elemental and War formed Construct) which can become a serious issue when they take a role as Guardians. Havoc can even sometimes be seen nearby if there is a threat or injury. If a person has seen one of them, it might already be far too late.
    Playful Lover, Servant, and Best Friend: Al'Phin (Supernatural Male Dolphin)
    Beloved Pet and Mental Support: Hollow (Human Male)
  • The character has been Created and Copyrighted to Me:
    AnonyArtist - Ravenlorde - Rainbow Moonstone - Blaque Dreem Eater - Laughing Labradorite
  • Do not use, copy, or claim as yours. Period. You won't like me when I'm angry - While reporting you! 
  • Ask to know more, or RP!