Ember (Embersmoke)



4 years, 10 months ago


**Name:** Ember (Embersmoke)
**Age:** 129 moons (January 2023)
**Lives:** ~~5~~; Given up
~~_Angelheart - Mother's sorrow_~~
~~*Cottonheart - Mother's pride*~~
~~*Volcanofang - Fidelity of a Mate*~~
~~*Puddlehaze - Protection of Kits*~~
~~*Dewgaze - Persevation*~~
~~*Beetlemask - Responsibilty to Family and Clan*~~
**Biological Gender:** Tom
**Gender identity:** Male
**Rank:** ~~SkyClan Deputy~~ , ~~ Leader of Fangs~~ , Scavenger
__Siblings:__ - ~~Angelheart~~
__Kits:__ - ~~Ezio~~ , Venus, ~~Serkan,~~ ~~Dieter~~, Durga, Runar, Kindle, Pyre, Thicket, Twig
__Mate:__ - ~~Celeste~~, Forest
**Mentor(s):** ~~Beetlemask~~
**Apprenice(s), Novice(s):** ~~Duskchaser~~, Soleil, Ghost
**Personality:** Embersmoke is a very selfish and arrogant cat. He joins sides that will grant him the best results. He can be nice sometimes, only to cats that are deserving of his kindness though.

**Bio:**  He grew up just like a normal kit. His doubts in StarClan started when so many deaths appeared in the Clans.
 He and Slipbreeze have been apprentices together,  they were named warriors together.
When Poppyspots became Poppystar, the tom was named her deputy.
His first kits were born not much longer after.
After long thought, Embersmoke finally decided to leave the Clans and his kin. He joined Fangs and made sure to snitch on his Clan. After taking the oath he fully accepted his new name Ember.
Living with the rogues for a while now, the tom's fully adjusted to his new life.
He is a father to a second litter of kits, their mother being Celeste.
After Key's death, he is named a Pride. His kits Durga and Runar are born.
He sets a fire to Moonpool, to get rid of the SkyClan leader. He takes Ploverfrost hostage. Due to an encounter with his Clan kits and Heronstride, he looses a life.
The Fangs steal kits from SkyClan and WindClan. He murders Vixensnout and Sootberry.
Due to Ploverfrost escaping, the tom gains a ShadowClan kit for his group. However, he does not find Ploverfrost and co again. He murders Brindleleaf.
He orders for the kittypets that helped Ploverfrost escape to be executed. This fails, however he still keeps his claws ready for them to appear again.
He starts meeting Forest, growing rather fond and close to the molly. She is one of the last things that bring him some form of relaxation.
Him and Slipwhisper meet in the Twoleg place. The two get into a fight, resulting in both losing their lives. However, Ember raises back to life. For the first time, _a kill_ had an actual meaning to him and wasn't just a 'job well done'. He is left shaken and rather empty.
Once Venus becomes leader of Talons, him and his daughter reinvent the groups. He tries to focus on his inner self and what he actually wants from life. He's feeling he's gotten old and hasn't accomplished anything.
He retires, which brings him into a state of grief as he wasn't able to finish up what he started. He feels awful and finds comfort with Forest again. For now, he tries to find another goal in his life and motivation.
He reconciles with himself, regretting actions in his life. Once he learns that Forest is expecting his kits, he finds meaning in life again and only wants to spend his life dedicated to her and their kits.
Kindle and Pyre are born.
His son Ezio disappears, most likely dead. The tom grieves, hoping his relationship with his son was fixed before he disappeared.
He finally gets to give up his lives as he no longer feels as he's deserving of them. Him and Forest are expecting more kits.
Forest's passing breaks him. He spends all of his time in the nursery taking care of their two daughters.
__Showing:__ Red, sonoke tabby
__Carries:__ Solid, Dilute, long hair, cinnamon
CTA: Me, CTD: Me and Dreams