


4 years, 10 months ago


**Name:** Rootsky (Rootcloud)

**Age:** 88 Moons (Oct 2) (added him at 55 Moons)

**Biological Gender:** Tom

**Gender Identity:** Male

**Rank:** Elder


__Siblings:__ Rowanflame

__Mates:__ ~~Russetstripe~~, ~~Dappleheart~~

__Kits:__ ~~Ferretrunner~~, Minkcloud, Peakkit, Russetkit

**Mentor(s):** None

**Apprenice(s):** ~~Fawnpounce~~, ~~Acornpatch~~, Whisperwind

**Personality:** Rootcloud is a very calm and collected tom. He tends to be more quiet than talkative, but once you get closer to his heart he does open up. He always tries to find a non-violent way to solving problems, but if any cat was in danger, he would fight to his death just to protect them. He sometimes pushes his own stubborn opinions and "wise" talks on other warriors or apprentices. He likes to have the last word in the conversation.

**Bio:** Rootcloud never got to know his father, he was raised by his mother properly with lots of love and care.

When he was an apprentice, he and his friend met a badger on their hunting mission. That is how he received all of his scars.

Rootcloud has been having some strange dreams recently that he's been talking about with his mates and medicine cats.

He and a couple of other cats had gone on a journey, following their dreams. He's very sceptic about it and already misses his mates and daughters.

The tom has lost his left eye on the journey.

Returning to the Clans he is more than glad to be back home. His daughter's rejection makes him worried and he will do anything to get back her love.

The more he is back home, the more fearful he is of his surroundings. The tom's starting to have irrational fears.

Rootcloud has retired and accepted a name Rootsky.

Paranoia and forgetfulness is filling the tom's head and he slowly forgets there was any journey to begin with.


A scarred tall russet and white tom with green and deep umber eyes


__Shows:__ Red, >50% of white spotting, Mackerel Tabby

__Carries:__ Dilute

Credit: All me