


7 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info








Sphinx: Snow Leopard


Peppermint and Gingerbread


homoromantic asexual


Name Jacquelyn Chan Sabene
Nickname Jackie
Gender Cis Woman
Age Adult
Orientation Asexual Lesbian
Race Chinese/Black
Occupation Holiday Spirit
Species Were-sphinx (snow leopard)
Scent Gingerbread and peppermint
Happy Holidays and to all a good night!

Snow leopard Sphinx. With a scarf, leg warmers, and a tail warmer
extremely playful, only around when there is snow
loves to start snowball fights and make snow forms

-adores snow and feels at home in it
-acts with many cat-like instincts obv bc shes a cat
-sweet tooth, candyavorus? doesn't hunt
-can be a bit rude but dont take it personally
-front paws are similar to hands, capable of using them like so
-likes to be up high. On rocks, hills, and snowbanks
-catches snowflakes on her tounge sometimes
-insists on playing fair
-any children she cares for are called her "Snow angels"

Back home:
appears as a tall, strong, and somewhat heavy woman of African decent. Hair is dark brown then, the blues only exist in the forest. She stays inside her cabin for the most part, baking things and playing with her laptop. A responsible woman in general.

-capable of speech and has full human consciousness with heavy cat habits

-she might leave her scarf with someone that looks cold. She has a ton back home. But a gifted scarf cannot retrieve food like when she wears it herself.

-paws are capable of grasping and holding things

-takes part in, and will initiate 'snowball fights' in the forest. These fights have no winner or loser, they're simply for fun.
Snowball fights happen by using the devout pelt and casting it back and forth. When you cast a devout on someone, you hit them with a snowball.
YEE I KNoW that sometimes the pelt will lag people's games really badly and I will try to refrain from hitting any of you with it if I am aware. (Also if you want to participate in these fights still, feel free to use mask or antler spells. Just not pelts for the minis)

AlSo keep fights fair omg Jackie doesn't wanna break up any legitimate fights over lobbing snow unless you wanna have that happen in which case I'll try to let chips fall where they may

Not easy to anger but. If u hit the right chord. Hoi boi. Honey u got a big storm coming

Generally alright with very touchy-feely people but if it's being done in a negative manner she won't stand for it.

Able to harness special holiday magic when it's closer to her season. Nothing incredibly extravagant but certinally enough

Celebrates and is respectful to all holidays. Her speciality lies in the ones during the winter season But she is fully aware and careful about ones in other seasons. Makes sure not to overstep her boundaries .

Full bio Here

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Current Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sm pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo.

Adult Life

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sm pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo.


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse a felis molestie, porttitor est eget, euismod mauris. Integer fermentum est vitae dui pretium fermentum. Fusce quis velit vel sm pellentesque iaculis congue non lorem. Aliquam vulputate lacus consequat, volutpat ex ut, blandit lacus. Sed egestas risus ut gravida blandit. In vitae nisi eu mi suscipit semper in eget justo. Sed feugiat dictum posuere. Suspendisse et accumsan leo.


Design Notes
  • Lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor.

  • clothes A scarf, leg warmers, and tail warmer all of a peppermint color.
  • food plenty of sweets and holiday foods. Will share. spiked eggnog only to those she seems responsible enough
  • little wooden bell gift from Chime. Kept safe.
  • knife SHIT ITS A KNIFE AAAAA jk i love it v pretty
code by jiko

IM CHRISTMAS EVE. Showed up. delivered presents. watched a fiasco at the twin gods.

Back at it again
GUESS WHAT: lowkey adopted 2 new children named Lark and Eurus They are my beautiful children

2017: Pretty much just worked back at home and kept Chime at her place

Just acting v gey and momlike .

Found Chime and was able to gift them a present. Apparently they rly liked the homemade sweater becos they stared crying asdfghjl cat consoles
Helped them put it on, hoped it would keep them warm enough over the course of winter.
A Ross came too so brought out cookies to picnic with. Acted v gey with Chime n then had to apologize to Ross with a peppermint stick. Curled around both the tiny friends and fell asleep for the night

Joined in Halloween celebrations while Being sure to not overstep the holiday boundaries. Handed out some candy and watched the fun. Happily awaiting the winter holidays

Still curling up with Chime and sleeping, anxious and excited for winter.

Spent most of the day curled up with Chime. Took a moment to acknowledge a very pretty and just. Intense. Looking individual (mjol) gave her a cookie.

Curled up with Chime to shower affection on them and just act v gey becos still can't rly talk sigh

Found a Nhoz then a Janci who invited over a Sage. Ate cookies in the good company

Found Chime again. Curled around them and gave them some affection and found a bit of humor in them getting a lil blushy. For the most part, sat around and watched the forest with little friend.
Eventually went with Chime on an ADVENTURE. Ended up at the playground and tried to jump in the tree with Chime but FELL and got LAUGHED AT by them. THANKS FRIEND I FELL THE LOVE. gotalittlesmoochthosoitsok sat down in some rock pillars with them.
Joined by a SMOL (Ross) and watched him talk to Chime. Tried to ease the tension with some snacks but that bAckfIred when they continued to eat all the sugar. Tried to bAn the sugar from them but that made it wORSE. Ended up just feeding apples and tea to Chime and bottomless pit Ross.
Sprawled out on a rock ledge with them and fell asleep

Settling down in cold places like the ruins or playground upon the end of the cold snap.
Found a Chime sitting at a tree and proceeded to give them loads of cookies, candy, cocoa, and cake to make them feel less bitter. Got a pretty little bell from them.
Invited Janci over when she looked lonley and she was followed by her friend (leotie) not soon after. 100% approved of Leotie and sat back down to rest.
Later woke to find some strange fellow acting, well, strangely around the tree. Not sure what to make of him so settled down at the tree.
Noticed soon that Leotie invited him over and just kinda
About it all. Chime didn't seem too excited, rather they started scooting away. Janci also moved to the other side of the tree. Eventually Janci and Leotie simply left while Osin hung back for a bit before seemingly deciding he had better things to do. Chime still looked very bitter. Left to go sit on a hill near the ruins and be bitter and eat her feelings. Went through adozen or so cookies, half a thermos of hot apple cider, and a peppermint stick while muttering things to herself.
Eventually returned to Chime still chewing on the peppermint and gave the little friend some Paps before draping over them like a purring blanket for the night.

Found a sad kid (Lovelace) and curled up around him and gave him cookies no frowns around winter.
Wrapped her scarf around him to go investigate a line of cats walking. Joined the walk and ended up getting joined by Jacinth. Ended up at the pond with them when everyone dispersed.
Played around with the little cat some! Ended up back with Lovelace and curled up with them both.

Wandered in and investigated some of the individuals around. Sat down with a doe (Blod) while she slept because she looked pretty cold.

Later invited to sit by Jacinth and accepted. Met her and her other pupper friend Brille.
Proceeded to share food and snuggles with Jacinth

Made her way into the forest at the first snowfall

Met Kujanci and Isetore. Cuddled up with Janci bc shes nice and looked cold.

code by jiko
