Masui Kanbara



4 years, 10 months ago


Masui is a powerful businessman, owning a chemical manufacturing organization. On top of the profits from his company, Masui also sells chemicals through under-the-table deals. Most are poisons sold to an assortment of assassins. If a client presents a risk to his company or name, they are crossed off his list and dealt with appropriately; most go missing without a trace, and it is certainly made sure that there are no ties to him or his company. He claims not to ask questions about his clients’ motives, but the research and information about them are vast. With a large number of under-the-table clients, his network for information is extensive as well. As he says, their deal is simple; he provides the tools for their dirty work and he gets paid.

His assistant is Newton Silver, one of the only other employees he trusts with his company’s larger decisions. He also trusts Newt enough to talk about his family history, something that he doesn't normally mention. He admires how hard-working Newt is and pays his respects accordingly.

Professionally psychopathic ;) lacks empathy but he's really good at faking it. A charmer of sorts; smooth-talking and good looking, persuasion is a well-practiced, successful skill.

The vibrant blue-purple is a signature color and one of the only other colors he likes.