Dr. Bird



4 years, 10 months ago




Dr. Gray Bird
Bird, Gray, idiot, Doctor
10th January
Trans Male
5' 8
Dad bod
Medical Researcher


A scientist working at the SCP foundation for 7 years, Dr. Bird is a smart, work-oriented individual on the surface. He has many secrets to hide, and many ways to keep people quiet.





Dr. Bird is an analytical and work-oriented individual to most, being found mostly in his office during working hours, and even later. He's rather laid-back in nature, tending not to care about deadlines and responsibilities; nevertheless, he's never handed a single piece of work in late during his 7 years of working for the foundation. He's rather dedicated to his work, sometimes getting so absorbed he forgets to sleep; this tends to worsen his narcolepsy, resulting in him falling asleep in random places.

When it comes to others, Bird can be one of two things; uncaring and blunt, or friendly and sweet. To many who know him as the former, his sweet side may seem like a front for his true feelings, whereas people who he considers friends would say they were lying, or caught him on a bad day. Bird tends not to care for others' needs, nor does he understand them; resulting in him coming across as rather apathetic and harsh at times. His apathy with social interaction has been proven beneficial with Sapient SCPs; he doesn't fall for blackmail nor manipulation, but merely finds their tactics fascinating.

Dr. Bird previously suffered from social anxiety, but due to his girlfriend Kaz's open and lax nature, he's managed to open up to people more, finding it easier to talk to others.



  • Napping
  • Weak tea with 2 sugars
  • Cuddling his girlfriend


  • Ignorance
  • Being mistaken for Dr. Bright
  • Attempts at manipulation
  • Being interrupted


  • He has a tendency to collect things; mugs, ties, knives, [REDACTED]. He loves having many versions of the same thing; each for a set purpose.
  • He has a PhD in Psychology, but he has extensive First Aid training and has researched Physiology in his spare time for more than 10 years.
  • He's incredibly short sighted, and cannot see at all without his glasses.
  • He served in the military for 2 years, and completed his first aid training during his time there.
  • He owns a glock (17), kept locked in his office. He only carries it around during emergencies, such as during a containment breach.



Well, we all have secrets to hide, don't we?



Bird is a rather calm, collected individual, and not one for social interaction. He's been working at the SCP foundation since he left university at the age of 23, after being offered a job from a colleague through email. He's rather dedicated to his work, managing to land two promotions to Level 3 in the 7 years he's worked there. He hopes one day to work with Keter-class SCPs, thus focusing hard to gain that extra promotion and the trust of his superiors.


He prefers to work alone, although can easily get along with people if needed; he tends to act manipulative, focusing only on his own goals and needs. Whether or not his actions are conscious decisions is unknown to anyone but himself. He's a rather closed off person, not liking things to get too personal too quickly; he'll back away from any situation that might render him looking vulnerable. He tends to struggle opening up to people, finding it difficult to talk about his feelings, even with people close to him.


Bird grew up in a stongly abusive household. He was an only child, growing up with an abusive father and neglective mother. He quickly learned to fend for himself due to his lack of support, resorting to typical tactics such as stealing food and money and hiding anything personal to him from anyone. He spent a lot of his childhood years studying at his local childhood park, skipping school almost every day to do so. He found out he was transgender at the age of 14, quickly resorting to illegal methods of hormone replacement therapy due to a lack of support. He kept it hidden from them until he left for the army at the age of 16.

Bird spent most of his time at the army working diligently and studying medicine and first aid; eventually getting promoted to Lieutenant. He used the money he earned from his time there to move out of home on his 18th birthday, quickly getting himself top surgery and subsequently a hysterectomy.

He went to university at 18, using his International Baccalaurette to get a foundation year Psychology degree, which he used to get his PhD in the same subject.



Kaz Rose

[ Girlfriend/partner ]

Kaz and Bird have known each other since Kaz started working at the facility 8 months ago. They grew very close very quickly; Kaz's bubbly personality quickly rubbed off on Bird, helping him to become more open with others. Kaz also seems to be influenced by Bird's nature, tending to be more secretive and alluring than previous. They spend most of their time together, either in Bird's office, or Kaz's dorm.


Doctor Glass

[ Close Friend ]

Being Kaz's boss, Bird's gotten to know Glass pretty well over the past few months. More recently, Kaz and Bird have been more intimate with Glass, bringing them closer than ever before. Bird admires Glass's kindness and professionalism, but continues to relentlessly tease him whenever he can.



[ Younger clone, friend ]

Gray was created from an anomalous event, being brought to life from a magic mirror. Bird initially didn't get along with Gray due to his own personal issues, but has quickly warmed up to him.