Marzipan AKA The Martian



4 years, 9 months ago




Name Marzipan
Age "28" (Much older by her species' years)
Gender Female (She/Her)
Height 5'11"
Species Emboar (Alien)
Role Galactic Bounty Hunter | Freelance Hero


Type: Fire/Fighting | Nature: Brave | Ability: Reckless
Moveset: Protect, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Heat Crash

A galactic bounty hunter turned freelance hero. When she isn't chasing down space criminals for space bucks, Earth is one of Marzipan's favorite hangouts... mostly for the greasy food and good music, but the locals are nice too! She's been known to take up freelance hero work on her visits to Earth for some extra dosh, so residents of EvoCity may have seen her "crashing" around town.

Marzipan's personality is as big as her appetite; she's boisterous, brash, and brimming with pride. She has no real sense of danger and tends to behave recklessly because of it. Who is this unabashed visitor from the stars? No one really knows since Marzipan isn't even her real name, so most people just call her "The Martian".

Power: Density Manipulation: Marzipan is able to alter her own density to enhance her strength and durability or alter it to become heavier/lighter (she can also affect people and objects this way).


  • She was born and raised on Phobos, one of Mars' moons. It started as a small outpost occupied by a team of researchers until it grew into its own little community. Her mom was one of the original researchers assigned to the outpost and still leads her own team there.
  • Her real name is Marcia, but the only people who still use her given name are family. She's gone through several aliases during her career as a bounty hunter with "Marzipan" being the latest. Why name herself after a food? She thought it sounded cute.
  • She has a pet (alien) Emboar named Pancake. Despite her ferocious appearance, Pancake is a sweetheart and loves to cuddle.
  • Her fighting style is heavily inspired by wrestling maneuvers. She picked this up from her papa, who was a pro wrestler until an injury forced him into an early retirement. Marzipan LOVES wrasslin' and will sometimes enter tournaments for funsies - she's even won a few!
  • She might not be able to fly without her spaceship, but with the ability to manipulate her density, Marzipan is able to make herself light and strong enough to perform some massive leaps.
  • She can't swim; she just sinks like a stone in the water.


Template Vom
Avatar Image Ballista
Backgrounds Unsplash